𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟯𝟳

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"So, how did you and Luna meet?" Lucy questioned excitedly about the story. "Well back when I was around ten years old I was walking through some random forest and something hit me on the top of my head," I started. "Hmm, let me guess it was Luna's egg," Lucy said. "Yup! Hit me hard to it hurt like a motherfucker," I said making Lucy chuckle. "Anyway when I got a good look at the egg I'd never seen an egg like that before and that big. It was basically how Happy's egg looked like but it was white with purple markings on it."

"But I was little and hungry so I was going to eat it, but then the egg basically rolled away from me like it knew I was going to cook it or something," I said making us laugh. "Eventually it stopped rolling and I said I wouldn't cook it and would take care of it. I found an empty cave and lived there for a couple of days, keeping the egg warm and protecting it," I said and Lucy awwed at my little self actions.

"Yeah, after a few days, one night, I heard some cracking noises, thinking it was the fire that I made, but I remembered I put it out before I went to sleep. So I sprung up awake thinking that it was someone trying to steal my things or try and take me, but it was the egg. After some more crakes out came a black cat that could fly! I was not expecting that, but she was the cutest thing I've ever seen!" I exclaimed happily. "I bet she was," Lucy said with a big smile.

"Then she started fluttering her little wings and was flying. I got a little scared cause she flew outside the cave with her eyes closed and I didn't want her to hurt herself but she had more control than I thought and landed right on top of my head. I then picked her up and she opened her eyes to reveal her pretty purple eyes. Then the moon came out and made her eyes shine brighter. At that moment I knew I wanted to name her Luna," I said. "Aww like the moon and she was born at night," Lucy said. "Exactly. And ever since that night, we've been together ever since," I finished. "Aww that was a cute story," she said as we both were smiling.

"You think Mira is coming back," I questioned looking at the entrance. "I really don't think so . . . You think Natsu and Happy made up yet?" Lucy questioned. "I think so let's go check on them," I said as we got up and left the painting on the table. And sure enough Happy and Natsu was in the guild eating together as if nothing happened.

"[Name!]" Natsu exclaimed waving his hand in our direction. I walked over to him with Lucy following behind me. "So you two made up huh?" I said sitting next to Natsu and Lucy sat across from us. "Yup! Oh hey, Lucy..." Natsu said kind of awkwardly with a smile. "Hey... look Natsu Im sorry if a said something out of line earlier," Lucy said apologetically. "It's fine it just brought up some old memories that's all," he said which got me thinking he meant Lisanna.

After that, we hung out at the guild for a while until we headed back home. I had checked on Luna to see that she was still asleep, she done basically slept the entire day since the sun was setting when we got home. I made dinner and me, Natsu and Happy ate together and talked. While talking I for some reason couldn't get Lisanna out of my head. How close she and Natsu were, what is their relationship and where exactly is she?

I then cleaned up and washed dishes when Natsu came up to me. "Is something bothering you?" Natsu asked and I wasn't expecting that. "Hmm? No, I'm fine," I said. "Are you sure 'cause you have that look on your face," he said. "What look?" "That look you have when you slightly scrunch up your eyebrows and stare off into space. So what are you thinking about, you can tell me anything," he said. I blushed and nervously chuckled, wondering if I will regret asking these questions.

"I... I was thinking about Lisanna," I said. I looked up at Natsu to see his smile slowly disappear. "Oh..." he said looking surprised. "When... Lucy was talking at the lake it reminded you about Lisanna, right?" I said looking down. "No," he said almost instantly. I shot my head up to see him looking me straight in the eyes. "I was thinking of you." I scrunch my eyebrows shocked and confused but also I didn't believe him.

"Natsu.." I slightly chuckled and walked away from him. "Im serious... when Lucy said 'keep up that tough guy act and you'll never get the girls to like you' it got me thinking of you cause... those were some of the last words you said to me," Natsu said blushing a little. "Natsu..." I said as my eyes soften at his words. By this time we were sitting on the couch together so I grabbed his hands, rubbing my thumb against the back of his hand.

"I know it just- I don't know-" "Hey, hey, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere," I said looking into his eyes. "Yeah," he said, a smile growing on his face. "Mm-hm," I said nodding my head. Then this silence came between us, just us staring at each other and smiling at each other. Then Natsu looked down with a straight line on his lips.

"I won't lie I did think about Lisanna too," Natsu said. "Hmm," I said wanting him to continue. "She was a good friend, reminded me of you." "Oh so she replacing me now is she," I said with a smile in a joking way. "No, no one can replace you," he said, I could feel my cheeks heat up. Then I noticed how he said was too like Mira and that gnawing question kept eating at the back of my mind. "Can I ask you a question... about Lisanna," I asked and he nodded his head. "I've been in Fairy Tail for a year and I've never seen Lisanna, where is she? Is she an S-class wizard on a quest that takes a long time like the Gildarts guy you talk about?" I asked. He chuckled a little before saying "No, she wasn't an S-class wizard. . . She um. . . she died," he said.

I gasped, my hands now covering my mouth in shock. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked, I didn't mean to-" "Hey it's fine. She died about two years ago. Went on a job with Mira and Elfman and died in battle," he said with a sad expression on his face. It broke my heart to see him like this and my body had a mind of its own and hugged him. He stiffened a little but wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his head in the croak of my neck.

"You know you can talk to me about her if you want," I said, still hugging him. "Thanks, but it's ok, I'm fine," he said. "You sure," I said as we broke from the hug and he nodded his head with a soft smile.

"You know you're an amazing person [Name]," Natsu said. "Thanks, I try," I said, and we laughed. "There is something else that I wanted to tell you," he said. He tightened his grip on my waist which I didn't know was still there. "U-uh yeah what is it," I said, feeling my cheeks starting to heat up. "I- I um. . . I li-" "[Naaame]," I heard a familiar feline say. "Yes Luna," I said and Natsu sighed a little.

"I'm hungry," she said groggily. "There are some leftovers in the fridge." "Ook," Luna said and fluttered off to the kitchen. "Now, what did you want to tell me?" "[Name] I- I li-" "Naaame." "What now Luna." "I don't see the leftovers." "Did you look?" "Yes, I still don't see." "Oh my gosh, I'll be there in a minute. Sorry, Natsu just give me a moment," I said getting up as he let go of me.

"It's fine, it's getting late anyway," Natsu said getting up as well. "Are you sure it won't take me long?" "Yeah Im sure, I'm getting tired anyway, so I'm just going to take a shower and hit the hay," Natsu said heading to the hallway. "Ok, well goodnight Pinky," I said. He chuckled a little before saying " Goodnight, [Name]," and headed upstairs.

I went off to Luna and literally when I looked in the fridge the leftovers were right there in her face. "Girl it's right there!" I said taking out the plate. "Oh, sorry," she said bashfully. I just warmed up her food so she could and decided to call it a night.


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