𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟮𝟴

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"Enough with the games, Gray. you're the one who murdered Ur, so just admit it," Lyon said. I looked to Gray to see him panicking a little, sweating buckets. "I'm surprised you have the gall to even speak her name!" Lyon shouted shooting an ice attack at Gray and got hit. "Gray!" I shouted about to run to help him but he put up a hand, stopping me in my tracks. "[Name] go find Natsu and stop the others from reaching the village I got Lyon," he said getting up. "But-" "Go! This is between me and him," he said with a serious look in his eye.

I looked at Lyon to see he was looking at me, seeing what my next move was. I looked back to Gray and nodded to him sliding down the hill Natsu went down. I looked to find Natsu but didn't see him. 'Great probably headed back to the village, but he couldn't have gotten that far being encased in ice,' I thought and headed in the direction of the village.

While running I couldn't stop thinking about what Lyon said. 'No way Gray killed his master, that doesn't even sound like Gray. Let's just wait and see what he says,' I thought. I looked ahead of me to a familiar pink-colored hair running in my direction.

"Natsu? what are you doing you should be heading to the village," I said stopping in front of him. "That's what I was doing but I got lost so I was going back to the hill to find it, but luckily found you," he said. "Yeah you are, then come on I know where the village is," I said as I started running.

"WAIT! Can you get this ice off of me!" he yelled. "Fine," I sighed walking up to him. I started eating the ice taking big bites. I looked at Natsu to see him softly glaring at me. "What?! It takes time to eat this amount of ice plus I'm not letting ice magic go to waste that I can use later. Be happy that your legs are free," I said going for another bite. I got his legs free but his torso and arms are still in ice. "Fine... thanks," he said cutely pouting which I chuckled too.

Then we heard a huge explosion coming from the top of the hill. "Woah what was that?" Natsu asked. "I don't know but Gray is still up there with Lyon," "Well then let's go," Natsu exclaimed and we both headed back to the top of the hill.

. . .

We got up to the top of the hill to find Gray knocked out so Natsu carried him as we quickly headed back to the village so I could attend to his injuries there. "There's the village," I said as I could see the familiar tall wooden gate come into view. "Yes know you can get me out of this ice," Natsu said running to the gate. "And heal Gray!" I shouted. "Yeah, that too!" he shouted which made me chuckle as I kept walking.

The gate opens and we see Luna, Happy, Lucy, and the rest of the villagers. "Hey, guys are you ok?!" Natsu shouted. They all had worried expressions for some reason when looking at us. "Are you guys ok?!" I shouted walking a little faster. "Natsu, [Name], stay right there, don't come any closer," Lucy screamed flailing her arms in front of her. "What?" Natsu said but it was too late.

Natsu stepped on a patch of grass that I didn't even notice and fell down a hole. We all looked dumbfounded at what just happened. I walked up to the hole peaking in. "Are you two ok," I asked. "Yeah but we don't have time to play practical jokes on each other," Natsu said. "Don't talk to me," I said offended. "It was Lucy's stupid idea," Happy informed and she started panicking.

We then got them two out of the hole. The ice around Natsu disappeared since we were far away from Lyon so that's good but Gray was still down for the count. They lay Gray gently on the ground and I hurried over to Gray to heal as much as I could. We were questioning why the other guys weren't here since they left before the three of us. Our question was answered when we looked into the sky.

The rat from earlier was now flying with the three people riding it. The rat was carrying a bucket of something. A drop of a mysterious green substance came out of the bucket. As it came closer it smelled off and dangerous and it was about to hit Lucy. "Lucy Move!" I shouted. Lucy looked at me with a confused look but didn't move. Then Natsu quickly lunged at Lucy pushing her away from the substance that disintegrated the ground. I sighed in relief but looked at the spot the substance fell on and from the looks of it, that stuff is acid.

The villagers started panicking because there was a bucket full of it. And the worst happened, the rat threw the entire bucket of jelly acid on top of us. "I want everybody to get in the center of the village!" Natsu shouted. I stop healing Gray and carried him with Luna's help. Natsu then was flown by Happy and did a fire attack right in the middle of the jelly, disbursing it so it wouldn't touch the middle of the village.

Though the village was destroyed all the villagers were alive so that was good. "Bobo's grave's still standing," the chief said after being saved by Virgo. That same grave was destroyed when one of the three guys kicked the grave destroying it.

"The cold emperor ordered us to eradicate the village and its people. We were trying to show mercy by making your deaths quick and painless, but since that didn't work we'll have to resort to bloodshed," Sherry said as the three of them walked up to us.

"50 villagers, three wizards, it shouldn't take more than 15 minutes," The guy with blue hair mumbled. "Count again, 'cause there's four wizards," Happy said but Gray was still lying down. "Luna, watch over him?" I said. She merely nodded and I went over to Natsu and Lucy. "You ready?" Natsu said. "Yeah," me and Lucy said eyeing the three.

"Let me help you..." we heard Gray say weakly standing up. "Not gonna happen Gray you're too injured to fight, lay back down and let Luna watch over you," I said. Gray kept pleading to help but I kept denying it. Soon Natsu punched Gray right in the gut. "Just lie down and get some rest," Natsu said catching him before he fell. "Some day... ill kill..." Gray said before going unconscious again.

It needed to be done Gray would have pushed himself too much if we didn't stop him. "Luna." "On it!" Luna shouted and flew Gray away to where the rest of the villagers went off to. "We're not leaving until every person in this village is dead," Sherry said with an evil smirk. "Angelica?" Sherry said and the rat picked Sherry up and started flying in the direction the villagers went.

"We're not gonna let you get away with this!" Lucy shouted and jumped to the rat hanging on to it for dear life. "Lucy are you insane!" I shouted but she was just screaming as she flew away... and then the rat crashed back down to the ground. I sweat-dropped worried for Lucy but she should be fine she's a Fairy Tail wizard after all... right? Happy went to go check on her which made both me and Natsu better. Me and Natsu stayed back to fight the other two.

Natsu quickly dashed at the cat-looking man and headed budded him knocking him down. I shot an ice attack at the blue-haired guy with Natsu doing a fire attack but he somehow blocked both. When the smoke cleared up there was a blue-like force field that he created. "A wizard who can breathe fire wizard? I see. Don't tell me you're the salamander from Fairy Tail," he said looking at Natsu. He then faced me looking me up and down. "And if you're the girl ice wizard you must be the Dragon Queen," he said as the other guy got up.

"You know, we used to be members of a famous guild ourselves, so you shouldn't blow us off. In fact, Iron Rock Jura used to belong to the same guild..." and after that, he kept talking but I wasn't listening. I attacked both guys blasting them with my ice and Natsu had the same idea blasting them with fire but the blue-haired guy blocked our attacks and the dog guy was frozen in my ice with his head scorched. "Well that's one down," I said as now all of our attention was on the guy with blue hair.

"Hey listen when I'm talking to both of you," he ordered. "Why? You think we care what guild you're from, or who the other members are?" Natsu questioned. "We came here to help the villagers and you guys are putting them in danger," I said. "Which makes you Fairy Tail's enemy," Natsu said as we were glaring at him. "And that's more than enough reason for us to fight you," I said.


𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now