𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟮𝟵

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"Hey listen when I'm talking to both of you," he ordered. "Why? You think we care what guild you're from, or who the other members are?" Natsu questioned. "We came here to help the villagers and you guys are putting them in danger," I said. "Which makes you Fairy Tail's enemy," Natsu said as we were glaring at him. "And that's more than enough reason for us to fight you," I said.

He grunted sounding displeased with use. "Wave!" he said as he projected his force field energy to me but I easily dogged it. Natsu attacked him with a fire roar but he blocked it with another wave. "The pulsing energy that's coming from my hand diffuses all types of magic which means none of your spells will work against me," the blue-haired guy said. 'So he does anti-wizard magic great,' I thought.

"All wizards are powerless against me. Even you two!" he then blasted me and Natsu with his wave beam, but we dodged it. "Oh yeah?" I shouted, going straight to him going for a punch engulfed with ice but the guy blocked it with his wave. "Like I said, your magic is useless against my wave."

"That doesn't mean I'm gonna let you off the hook, I'll just have to crush you without it," Natsu said dashing fast towards us and punching his wall getting his fist through it.

"Hey, look, I broke through it," Natsu said but then he started screaming in pain. "Natsu! What's happening to him!" I said glaring at the guy. "He put his bare arm inside a vortex of magic energy, not a smart move," the guy said. Then Natsu pushed more of his body through the wave getting his head past it.

"Your magic's no match for my brute strength! So what are you gonna do now?!" Natsu said sounding crazy but kind of hot at the same time. "You broke through my wave, but now you're stuck salamander. Your flames aren't gonna work now that you're inside." "But I can still use them outside, and you just gave me a great idea!"

"Fire Dragon FLAME ELBOW!" Natsu shouted as fire came out of his elbow going for a punch at the guy. The fire from his elbow boosted his power in his punch sending him flying across the sky, knocking him out before he even hit the ground. "And that's a knockout," I said walking up to him. "Yeah it was," he said as we high-fived.

Natsu then walked up to Bobo's grave and put it back together. "We're gonna find a way to change your people back to normal, Bobo," Natsu said. "We definitely will," I said agreeing with Natsu. Natsu looked down at me with a smile and I smiled back at him. He then walked in front of me and I noticed that there was a blush on his cheeks.

"Hey [Name] there.. there's something I wanted to tell you," he said grabbing both my hands sounding nervous which is out of the norm for him making me nervous. "What is it?" I asked a little worried. "I- I-"

"[NAAMMMEE!]" I heard a familiar voice shout. I looked to the right and Luna came flying crashing into my face hugging me for dear life. "You were gone for too long and I got worried are you ok tell me, tell me," she said but I couldn't speak or breathe at that. "Oh," and she flew off my face and I took a deep breath. "You almost KILLED ME!" I yelled. "Sorry," she said with an innocent smile and I glared at her. "Whatever, how are the villagers and how is Gray doing?" "The villagers and Gray are ok they are at a storage site that is not too far from here come on I'll lead the way," Luna said and flew away.

I started walking off but Natsu was still standing there blankly staring at nothing. "Natsu.." I called out to him and he looked in my direction. "Come on," I said holding my hand out. He looked down at my hand but didn't take it. "Natsu?" "You go on without me I think I have a plan to stop them from freeing that monster," he said. "But-" "Go with Luna, Gray needs you right now and I can take care of myself," he said reassuring me. A sighed and I knew he was right. "Ok, be careful," I said. "I will," Natsu said and ran into the forest as I followed after Luna.

. . .

Once we made it to the storage site, Luna directed me to the tent that Gray was in who was still out. "Luna, could you get a bucket of water?" She nodded her head and quickly left the tent. I then unbutton his shirt to examine his injuries. He has a concussion, along with his left shoulder being dislocated and 2-3 broken ribs along with scratches all over his body.

"Sorry about this Gray," I whispered as I wrapped my arm around his dislocated one. I quickly popped it back in place and he didn't even budge. 'Damn he got knocked out really hard,' I thought.

Not too long a woman came into the tent with a small bowl. She had black hair that was cut in a bob. She had an orange top and a green skirt. One of her legs was blue from the 'curse' but I didn't say anything about it. She had a bowl with water and a towel in it.

"Oh, I didn't know there was someone else in here," she said closing the tent and walking closer to us putting the towel on Gray's forehead. "Yeah, you can say I'm the doctor of the group," I said, which is true do you know how many times they get hurt on jobs? "Well they are definitely lucky to have you as a friend," she said with a sweet smile. "Yeah, they are," I chuckled.

"Hey, can I use the rest of the water?" "Uh yeah sure." I then bended the water to engulf my hands and the water started glowing a light blue. I brushed my hands over his body to heal the scratches and bruises on his body as much as possible. "Woah," I heard the girl say. I glanced up at her to see that she was in awe at my ability.

"Cool right." "Yes, how-" "My father taught me this ability when I was young. It heals mostly physical injuries, internal and external also some mental diseases but I haven't gotten that far yet," I informed her. She nodded her head still looking in awe. "How come they're not fully healing all the way?" "If I had more water I could heal them and heal his broken bones too, where did Luna go," I said questioned. "Looking for this," a familiar strong stern feminine voice says behind me.

Somehow my skin went pale as I froze up. I turned my head slowly to the entrance to see Erza glaring at me holding a bucket of water. "Erzaaaa," I said shyly with a smile. "You're in so much trouble, heal up Gray and come talk to me I will be in the big tent," she said calmly, a little too calmly, setting down the bucket next to me. "Yes ma'am," I said pouting. She nodded her head and then walked out of the tent.

I bent the water to encase Gray's body with the glowing water healing him. 'I am so in trouble for this one,' I mentally sighed, continuing to heal Gray.


𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now