𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟯𝟯

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"Is master Makarov here?" Erza asked as we entered Fairy Tail. "You're finally back from your island getaway. So how was it? Did you have fun?" Mira said greeting us. "It was work, not a vacation," Erza said sternly. "Uh, Mirajane, I wouldn't joke with her right now," Lucy warned. Erza kept asking where Makarov was but Macao said he went out of town for a meeting but they didn't know when he was coming back. Me, Lucy, Natsu, Gray, Luna, and Happy let out sighs of relief.

"Well that was a close one," Natsu said. "Yes, we won't have to deal with that until gramps gets back," Gray said. "Oh, thank goodness I wasn't ready to stare into the face of death, I still got eight more lives," Happy said crying happy tears and flailing his arms around. While they were happy, me, Lucy, and Luna were freaking out at what punishment gramps was going to put on us.

"All of you, shut up!" Erza yelled glaring at us. Natsu and Gray were hugging, Me and Lucy were hugging, and Luna and Happy were hugging all scared of Erza. "Now listen up you fools, you're not getting off the hook. You broke guild rules by taking on that S-class quest, prepare to be punished," Erza said and we were whimpering in fear of Erza's punishment.

"Well, it was nice knowing you. It's a crying shame, those two boys are one thing but I can't believe [Name], and Lucy is getting punished too. You poor girls," Wakaba said. "What's the deal man, how come you don't feel sorry for us?" Natsu said angrily walking up to Wakaba. "Why're you lumping me in with this loser?" Gray said angrily doing the same thing. The three of them fought as me, Lucy, Luna, and Happy were still freaking out about what Erza's punishment was going to be.

. . .

In the end, Erza just said we couldn't leave the guild and take any jobs till Makarov came back to punish us properly. With that, I sat at a table just drawing whatever came to mind while Luna was taking a nap in my lap. "Hey [Name] check out this weird creepy job request," Natsu said as Gray and Lucy were following behind him. "No way!" Erza said bumping into Loke and knocking him to the ground. "You will not be taking any requests," Erza said but nobody was listening to her.

Natsu handed it to me and I took a look at it. He was right it was creepy and had a weird text that I've never seen before. I then read what the request was. "Decipher this text and I'll see that you'll increase your wealth by 500,000 jewel."

"That sounds like a winner to me what do you think," Natsu said looking at me and Happy. "Sure does," Happy said. "I don't see why not, it's not like we can go anywhere," I said. "So it's a translation job? That's a weird request for a guild" Gray asked. "What's even weirder is it's some kind of ancient text, I can't even read it," I said. "Hold on, it's written in modern letters too," Happy said pointing to the section. "I thought I told you no jobs," Erza said sternly but yet again no one listened. Natsu then read the text, which didn't make any sense and sounded like gibberish. Then some rainbow light was glowing off of us.

. . .

No one's POV

After the rainbow light shined off of them it looked like nothing happened. Then all of sudden [Name's] head hit the table with a loud thud gaining everyone's attention. "Ouch! And I was taking a good nap too," [Name] whined in a cute high-pitched voice with pink-tinted cheeks, which confused everyone. "Also, Why is it cold in here!" [Name] yelled. "Yeah, it's so cold," Gray said in a high-pitched voice, as both of them were shivering.

"What? Ice wizards don't get cold," Elfman said to them. "I'm serious guys somebody turn up the heat before I freeze to death in here, pretty please?" Gray pleaded still shivering just like [Name].

"What the- what's going on," Lucy said in a deeper voice. "My chest feels really weird all of a sudden, like it's heavy. My back's killing me," Lucy said putting her hand on her lower back. "Me too," [Name] said doing the same thing and cracked her back. "Hey, are you feeling all right, Lucy your voice is awfully low?" Macao asked as he and the rest that was watching were worried. "What are you talking about? I- what the-!" Gray yelled looking at Lucy who was still in pain.

"That's weird," Loke said getting up from the ground. "I don't remember lying down on the floor like that." "Hold on. I thought I was the one who was on the floor," Natsu said. Natsu then took one glance at Lucy and started screaming running out of the guild.

"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?! YOU CAN'T FACE ME, DRAGON BREATH?!" Lucy shouted. "Why do I sound like a girl?" she questioned. "I'm no doctor, but id say probably 'cause you are a girl," Macao answered her.

"Why is everyone behaving so foolishly?" Happy said sternly. Everyone turned to Happy to see him with his hands at his hips in a firm and composed stand that was out of character to Happy. "Oh, wow, Natsu check it out," Erza said excitedly with rosy cheeks. She frowned while looking around. "Where did he go?"

"I'm standing right here," Loke said. "Why is this place so dark?" he questioned looking around. "I could be wrong, but I don't, I've always had these, have I? Have I?" Erza said while groping her chest. "I haven't either but they feel so soft and squishy," [Name] groping her chest as well.

All the guys were blushing and staring at the two girls as they groped themselves without a care in the world. Loke started growling standing in front of the absent-minded [Name], glaring at all the men. "Yall better stop staring or I'll burn you guys to a crisp," Loke said, which made everyone stop looking at [Name] and looked at Erza instead.

"Oh, why you!" Happy shouted while getting ready to kick at Erza. Happy kicked Erza in the chest but Erza equipped her chest armor, making Happy fall in pain. "I don't understand what's happened to me. I've never felt so tiny and weak before. It's like I've somehow requipped into a cat," Happy said, disappointed in himself.

"*Yawn* I don't remember falling asleep," Luna said waking up. She looked around to see everyone looking at her. Her eyes went big in shock and jumped on the table. "What? And why is everybody much taller now," Luna said. "Ahh!" [Name] shouted looking down at Luna. Luna turned around to see [Name] and her eyes went big like [Name's]

"No, no, NO!" Luna shouted terrified as everyone but Happy was looking at her. "This can't be happening no no no!" Luna said continuing to panic. "Ok what is happening because I am freaking out here," Gray said. "How can you be such idiots," Happy said, standing on the table with Luna. "We've all switched bodies," Happy revealed as the group gasped in shock.

"Stop fooling around, Happy," Loke said. "I'm Erza, you dimwit," Erza said in Happy's body. "If you're going to yell at me Loke, do it to my face," Happy said in Erza's body. "Silence!" Erza said. "So you mean," Gray started. "Yes, Natsu and Loke, Lucy and Gray, [Name] and Luna, and worst of all Happy and I, we've all switched bodies," Erza informed leaving everyone dumbfounded and Happy whining from Erza's insult.

"The ancient unpela spell has been cast, you kids aren't feeling like yourselves today huh?" Makarov said entering the guild. The group ran up to gramps and told them that because they read out loud what was written a personality transference and magic transference spell was cast on them called changeling and they have 30 minutes to reverse it. The group started panicking because there were only 15 minutes left.

"I must say I'm disappointed, I was so looking forward to punishing you, but it looks like you've got your hands full for now," Makarov said as he walked away as the group cried.


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