𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟱

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"Soooo, you and Natsu~," Okami said in a teasing voice. "What about Natsu," I said blushing while picking strawberries. "You like him~," she said. "N-no," I said, denying it but not convincing Okami. "Or dare I say you love him~," "I can't love him, we've only known each other for a day." "Haven't you heard of love at first sight," I just looked down, and continued to pick berries and other fruits nearby.

"Well I can tell there is something there between you two and who knows you guys might be mates in the future." Okami told me what mating season was and that as a dragon slayer I would have to go through it too. Saying that I would want to be and protect the person I love and wouldn't want to be separated from them.

I started blushing just thinking about it and looked at Okami's direction. "OKAMI!!," I shouted, still blushing. "Hehe you're so cute when you get flustered," she said. "Whatever mom," I said, turning around, resuming picking berries. Then I thought about what I said to Okami 'I called her mom... I CALLED HER MOM!' I turned around to Okami and said "I mean Okami!" She had a little shocked expression on her face but softened her face and said "You can call me mom if you want, I don't mind." "Really." She nodded and I said ok.

"Can I ask, do I remind you of your mother?" Okami asked. "You do, with all your teasing you do and the fussing you do." "I don't fuss." "You did this morning hehe," I said laughing. "Well, it's out of love." "Yeah, I know." After that, we went back to picking fruit. When we were done the guys were cooking the meat they got and we had breakfast. I had to hurry and eat cause Natsu was eating everything like it was going to run away.

After breakfast, Okami said that we had to go back home. "NOOOO Can we stay pleaseeeee!," I begged Okami. "But we have to go back so we can train." "But you guys can just train here with me and Igneel right," Natsu said, wanting us to stay too. "PLEASEEEE!!" me and Natsu shouted doing puppy dog eyes. She caved in and said ok. Me and Natsu cheered and jumped around happily.

. . .

We stayed with Natsu and Igneel for about two weeks. We grew much more powerful with our dragon slayer magic and we grew closer altogether. When we trained we would fight using our powers too and at first, he would always win but then we would tie. After our fights, we will always feel bad about hurting each other so we would tend to each other's wounds. Along with training, we had fun like the first day we met. He would even drag me outside so we could watch the sunrise together.

After two weeks, Okami said that we had to go so that morning we were going to leave. "Waittt!," Natsu shouted as I was about to get on Okami. I turned around to see him with his cute pout face. "Can I come visit you?" I blushed when he said that 'He wants to see me again' I looked back at Oakami and asked if they could come visit us. She nodded and me and Natsu were happy. But before we left I hugged Natsu and he returned the hug. We let out of the hug and I got on Okami's back. I looked back at Natsu one last time. "Bye Natsu." "Bye [Name]." And with that Okami flew off back home.

After I got home I went straight to my room. I put the ice ball with Natsu's roses on my dresser and went to my bed just laying down, staring at the roses, thinking about Natsu. "You miss him don't you," I heard Okami at the door. "A little," I said. "Want to see the aurora lights," Okamki said. My eyes lit up with excitement when she said those words. I jumped up from bed running to her saying "Yeah!" and we left to see the Aurora lights.

Two years have passed since I met Natsu and Igneel. They've come to visit us and we went back to visit them two. We've done multiple things together just the four of us, going to the beach, training, going to villages to shop [Me and Natsu since Igneel and Okami are dragons], and more. We've even celebrated our birthdays together and on my recent birthday, Okami gave me this necklace that had a long silver chain with a big pretty blue-purplish stone on it. I never take it off.

[The necklace is at the top but here is how it looks for my lazy readers. Just like the Natsu scarf the crystal has Okami's scales and protects you.]


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𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now