New beginnings

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Jake, Lexy, and Devon are standing outside staring at their new catholic boarding school wearing crisp, clean uniforms. Lexy was already inside while Jake was frozen outside the building nervously biting his nails. Motioning for Lexy to go on, Devon walks towards Jake and grabs his hand, snapping him out of his trance.

"You okay?" Devon asks, looking into his worrisome eyes

"I don't think I can do this, Devon." Jake stuttered

"It'll be alright, I got you." Devon assured, squeezing his hand

"Okay, let's do this." Jake replied, taking a shaky breath before walking into the school

They step foot into the school and their jaws drop at the sight of how big it was on the inside. Jake squeezes Devon's hand, earning a laugh out of him

"This place looks more like a church than a school." Jake shook his head

"I second that." Lexy intervened

"It doesn't seem so bad." Devon said

"Dev, we're wearing uniforms that are hella itchy and totally unfashionable. Not to mention, Jake looks like Marcus from deadly class with that haircut." Lexy groaned

"What'd I ever do to you?" Jake asked

"Let's see, you tried to have me killed by a psychotic doll and landed my sister in the ICU. Your arrogance got my dad and boyfriend killed!" Lexy yelled

"Ex boyfriend, Lexy. Heavy on the ex!" Jake yelled back

"I should slap you." Lexy grits

"Go ahead, I have nothing to lose." Jake shrugged his shoulders

"Okay, everyone just take a breather. We all know why we're here, let's just pretend it's like public school and try to fit in." Devon intervened

"Devon, we're in a Catholic school, there's nothing normal about it. There are nuns and priests, that's something I've only seen in horror movies. Ugh, I can't believe I got sent here." Lexy whined

"Maybe if you weren't doing drugs, you wouldn't be in this mess." Jake murmured

"Maybe if you hadn't brought that stupid doll at that yard sale, we wouldn't be here. Technically, this is all your fault wheeler!" Lexy groaned

"Oh my gosh, you're both giving me a migraine. Can you just shut up?" Devon growled

"I'm sorry, is my honesty getting under your skin? Your boyfriend got your mom killed, yet you're still with him." Lexy crossed her arms

"I hated Lexy 1.0 so much and you're turning into her again." Jake sighed

Their argument was cut short when a man wearing a priest outfit approached them

"Miss cross, Mr Evans, and Mr wheeler. Nice to have you in our school. I'm father Bryce, I run this place." He says, holding out a basket in front of him

"Is it time for tides and offerings already?" Devon asked

"What?!" Lexy squealed

"You've never been to church, have you?" Devon asked, rubbing his aching head

"As you know, no phones are allowed here, so put them in the basket." Father Bryce instructed

"You're kidding, right? How are we supposed to talk each other?" Lexy cried

"Huddle up and talk face to face like normal kids." Jake rambled, throwing their phones in the basket

"You're getting on my nerves, wheeler." Lexy warned

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