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Devon, Jazz, and Billy were all in detention, serving time for breaking the rules. Father Bryce walked into the room, throwing down packets on their desk before heading back towards the front of the class

"You three will be in here until the end of the day. No talking, no switching seats, and you can only leave if the teacher gives you permission to do so. Sister Ruth will keep an eye on you for the time being. You boys better not get into any funny business or she'll alert me and we'll be taking a trip down to my office." Father Bruce explained

"All I heard was blah blah this, blah blah that. I'm going back to sleep." Billy scoffed

"Mr Young, there will be no sleeping, either. There are packets on your desks, you can either fill them out or sit here quietly." Father Bryce sighed

"Father Bryce, are you homophobic?" Billy asks

"Why would you ask such a ridiculous question like that?" Father Bryrce perched up his glasses

"I'm just saying, you got the closeted bisexual and the openly gay students locked up in here." Billy muttered

"I'll come back to check on them later. Sister Ruth, have at it." Father Bryce says

"Yes, father Bryce. I won't let you down." Sister Ruth smiled, waving goodbye before he left the room

Billy turned to sister Ruth, who's smile turned into a scowl after the priest left

"Are you two hooking up?" Billy asks

"Mr Young, I do not discuss my private life with students!" Sister Ruth shrieked

"I mean, you got your hair down and everything. You're wearing make-up and fancy little earrings. You know it's wrong to mix business with pleasure, right?" Billy smirked

"Just do your work and be quiet." Sister Ruth snapped

"Look, we all know you're not married. It's no secret and it's no surprise, either. Have you ever gone on a date?Seriously, you're so uptight. If you had a man, I'm sure your personality would be somewhat tolerable." Billy continued

"I'm not interested in dating." Sister Ruth answered

"Is it because you're a shallow chick who loves to torture children or is it because no one's interested in you?" Billy asks

Suddenly, Billy felt a paper ball hit his face. Whipping his head around, he locks eyes with Jazz, who made a hand signal for him to stop

"We're in enough trouble already, you're making it worse." Jazz whispered

"I'm just asking some questions, is that illegal now?" Billy asks

"What'd you two do to end up in here, anyways?" Devon asks

"I totally forgot he was here." Billy's eyes widened

"We got caught skipping, how about you?" Jazz asks

"I punched James in the face and poured paint on his head, so now he might have a severe concussion and whatever braincells he had left have already disintegrated." Devon explains

"Let me be the first to sincerely apologize for calling you and your boyfriend spineless wimps." Billy interfered

Sister Ruth approached their desks, slamming her ruler down on top of it

"What part of no talking don't you understand?!" Sister Ruth yelled

"I'm about five seconds from shoving her head through a wall. I swear, they'll have to haul me back to juvie." Billy ran his fingers through his messy hair

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