The cool kids

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Jake, Devon, Lexy, and Nadine were in sister Mary's class learning about the Pythagorean theorem when a girl walked into the classroom wearing an Aaliyah shirt with cuffed up jeans and black converses. She was 5'7 with a dark complexion, curly hair, and honey brown eyes. The class immediately diverts their attention from the teacher onto the student, who was scowling once father Bryce whispered in her ear.

"Class, you remember my niece, Chasity. She just got back from spending the summer in Newark with my brother." Father Bryce explained

"Yeah, and I was having a blast until you showed up to take me away." Chasity mumbled

"Nice outfit freakshow. You know, the circus is always looking to recruite more people." One of the students teased

"If you don't shut your mouth, I'll punch your teeth in and make you swallow them." Chasity threatened

"Isn't that cute? I'm being threatened by a lesbian." He sneered, glaring at her while she approached him

"You're right about one thing, I do love women. Keep it up and I might steal yours." Chasity smiled, winking at the dark haired girl sitting next to him

"You're straightforward, I like that." The girl stared her down

"What's your name?" Chasity asked

"I'm Sheila, nice to meet you." Sheila flashed a smile her way

"You're not helping." He nudged her

"Oh please, I'm sure she can treat me much better than you do." Sheila scoffed

"Would you like to put that theory to the test?" Chasity asked, tilting her chin up to look into her hazel eyes

"Chasity, take a seat. You're interrupting my lesson." Sister Mary demanded

"Using that tone with me isn't going to make me sit down any faster, so be mindful of the way you speak to me." Chasity demanded

"Father Bryce, you need to teach your niece how to talk to adults in a respectable manner." Sister Mary intervened

"You need to stop kissing my uncle's ass, it's not cute." Chasity spoke up, earning a few reactions from the students

"I'm so sorry, sister Mary. She gets her personality from her mother." Father Bryce said

"I'm pretty damn proud of it too." Chasity smirked

"That's enough, Chasity. Sit down and take notes. I have a meeting to go to, so be on your best behavior." Father Bryce instructed

"Like that'll ever happen." Chasity mumbled, watching her uncle roll his eyes before walking out

Soon after class ends, the core four pack up their stuff and meet up outside of the classroom.

"She's definitely something." Jake whispered

"I've known her since 7th grade, we were roommates for a while before she got kicked out." Nadine bragged

"What did she do?" Lexy asked

"She gave Trevor food poisoning. It was so bad, he couldn't come to school for a month." Nadine grinned

"She sounds like a genius." Lexy snickered

"If she got kicked out, then why is she back?" Devon asked

"Because my uncle believes that everyone deserves a second chance." Chasity intervened, causing the four kids to jump in fear

"Didn't anyone ever tell you it's rude to eavesdrop?" Nadine pouted

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