Kings and Queens

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It was around 7:30 am and Devon was lying in his boyfriend's bed waiting for him to wake up. Rolling over on his side, he stared at his lover in admiration and smiled. Removing his arm from underneath the covers, he caresses his lover's cheek and he stirs awake

"Dev, what are you doing?" Jake asked in a husky voice

"Admiring your features." Devon whispered, running his fingers through his messy curls

"What time is it?" Jake asked, slightly opening his eyes

"7:30 in the morning." Devon answered

"Oh my gosh, I don't want to go to class." Jake threw a hissy fit

"We could stay here all day, watch chicken little and overindulge in our favorite snacks." Devon smiled

"The only thing I remember from that movie was chicken little screaming something about the sky falling." Jake yawned

"It's actually one of my favorite movies. Can we watch it later on?" Devon begged

"Anything for you, mi amor." Jake kissed his cheek

Devon sat up in the bed, winching after an immense amount of pain shot through his wrists. Jake's face went from playful to concerning in a matter of seconds. Sitting up in the bed, he throws his arms around his boyfriend, who begun sobbing

"I'm such a shitty person." Devon traced his fingers over the gauze wrapped around his wrists

"Hey, don't cry. It's going to be okay, I promise." Jake kissed his forehead

"This is all my fault. My mom's dead because I didn't bother to pick up the phone." Devon cried

"Hey, it's not your fault. You hear me? None of this was your fault." Jake comforted him

"You hate me." Devon cried

"Devon, I can never hate you. Sure, we have our moments here and there, but that doesn't mean I hate you." Jake softly whispered

"Will the pain ever go away?" Devon looked up at his boyfriend, who also had tears in his eyes

"No, but I can tell you this. Your mom's always with you, wherever you go. She's watching over you from above. Please try and remember that." Jake laid his head on his shoulder

"I think my wounds opened back up." Devon unwrapped the gauze, staring at the blotches of blood on his wrists

"Stay here, I'll go get the first aid kit." Jake squeezed his hand before heading out the door

Meanwhile, Lexy was sound asleep when the sound of humming stirred her awake. Sitting up in her bed, her eyes lock onto her roommate, who was sitting on the floor with her back against her wall humming a song from Annie

"Nadine, are you okay?" Lexy asked, sliding on her flats before approaching her

"Hypothetically speaking, if I were to die today or tomorrow, do you think anyone would care?" Nadine asked, catching her by surprise

"I definitely would. I'd decorate your grave with daisies and talk to you about kittens. Possibly annoy you about Jake and Devon, who act like an old married couple." Lexy rambled, getting her roommate to crack a smile

"After my mom died, I barely saw my dad. He never acknowledged my existence from that point on. No matter what I did to try and please him, it was never enough." Nadine snapped the rubber band on her wrist

"You don't think your dad would visit your grave?" Lexy questioned

"Knowing my father, he'd take one look at my headstone and he'd spit on it. That sums up the type of relationship we have." Nadine says

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