I'll always look out for you

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Jazz woke up the next morning, his body ached from the pain of his father's beatings. Sitting up in the bed, he rubs his sore ribcage and looks over at Billy, who had tears in his eyes

"If I see your dad again, I'll kill him. I swear, I'll tase him until his eyeballs turn into charcoal!" Billy yelled

"Billy, calm down. I'm alright, I'm used to it." Jazz winched

"No, you're not alright! Stop saying that!" Billy pulled his hair

"Hey, calm down. Look at me." Jazz climbed out of the bed and placed his hands on his cheek, listening to his heavy breathing simmer down

"One of these days, I could get a call and they'll explain to me how you got beat to death by your psychotic father! I'll blame myself because I should've been there for you, but I wasn't." Billy panicked

"Billy, nothing is going to happen to me." Jazz held his hand

"You don't get it, do you? I can't bare to watch my best friend get lowered into the ground." Billy yelled

Billy leaned against the wall, clutching his chest while tears ran down his face. Once Jazz realized what was happening, he rushed to his side and threw his arms around him in a loving embrace

"Relax, okay? You're going to be alright, just focus on my voice." Jazz whispered

"What is that going to accomplish?" Billy cried

"Just listen to my voice, Billy. Calm down, just breathe." Jazz squeezed him tighter

"Don't leave me, please don't leave me." Billy shook

"I'm not leaving you, I promise. I'm staying right here, I'm not going anywhere." Jazz laid his head on his shoulder

"I'm sorry I yelled at you, I didn't mean it." Billy cried

"It's okay, I know you didn't." Jazz kissed his forehead

After whispering a few more comforting words into his ear, Billy stops shaking and he slowly pulls away from Jazz's embrace, heading to the bed before flopping down on it

"Hey, do you want to skip today?" Jazz rubbed circles on his back

"I barely go to class, anyways." Billy muffled

"Neither of us are feeling up to it. I'll stay as long as you want me to." Jazz says

"Can we watch the breakfast club? It always cheers me up." Billy asks

"Anything for you." Jazz lied down in the bed and threw the covers over them

"Thank you." Billy half smiled, lying his head down on Jazz's chest and listening to his steady heartbeat

Meanwhile, Jake was called into father Bryce's office and he sat there in uncomfortable silence while the priest made himself a cup of tea

"Mr Wheeler, do you know why I called you down here?" Father Bryce asks

"No, why don't you refresh my memory?" Jake mumbled

"You beat up one of your classmates, he has a severe concussion." Father Bryce explained

"Matthew is a prick who's going to peak in high school. Trust me, he won't get far in life." Jake picked at his fingernails

"I don't care for your attitude, Mr Wheeler. Starting today, you'll be in detention. You'll stay there for the entire week, maybe that'll straighten you out a bit. Now get out of my office." Father Bryce says

"With pleasure." Jake scoffed, throwing his bag over his shoulder and heading out

Jake heads back to his room and closes the door, letting out a shriek once he saw Devon lying on his bed

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