You and me against the world

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Nessa woke up bright and early the next morning and stood outside Chasity's dorm room, wiping her clammy hands on her skirt before knocking on the door. Minutes pass by and Chasity opens the door, stepping aside to let her in

"I thought you weren't a morning person." Chasity smiled, pulling her ponytail out and allowing her hair to fall down past her shoulders

"Trust me, I'm not. I'm surviving off granola bars and Gatorade." Nessa whined, lying down on the bed

"Now that sounds more like you." Chasity grumbled, trying to fix her tie

"You're putting it in knots, you need to be patient." Nessa approached her before undoing her tie

"That's funny coming from the most short tempered girl I've ever met." Chasity snorted

"Yeah, laugh it up. I'm not all about violence, Flores." Nessa chuckled

"Really? You looked pretty intrigued while I was punching Matthew in the face." Chasity teased her

"That's because he had it coming. Even I know not to mess with you when you get angry. Although, your aggression was one of the things I loved about our relationship." Nessa smirked

"Let's go before the boys burst in here." Chasity grabbed her hand, leading her out into the halls

Once they turn to head down the stairwell, a hand touches Nessa's shoulder, startling her into elbowing in the ribcage before flipping them onto the floor. Placing a hand over her mouth, she fails to contain her laughter at the sight of Billy's shocked expression

"I can't have fun with you, can I?!" Billy whined

"Sneak up on me like that again, I'll push you down the stairs." Nessa shoved him

"Chasity, get your girlfriend's temper under control." Billy heaved

"Ex girlfriend, Billy." Chasity corrected her friend before looking over at Nessa, who's smile faded once she heard those words

"I should get going, I'll see you in class." Nessa kept her head down and ran down the stairs, clutching her books in the process

"Great, you pissed her off." Billy smacked Chasity's shoulder

"You're the one who said girlfriend, idiot!" Chasity shoved him into the railing

Jazz approached them and got in the middle, sighing in relief that he made it in time before punches were thrown between the two

"I don't even know what's going on, but my sister looks upset and so do y'all. I am begging you, don't start swinging on each other. If you start fighting, you'll both end up on the verge of suspension or expulsion.. again!" Jazz exclaimed

"She's just upset because I accidentally called Nessa her girlfriend. Besides, Chasity's the one who jacked everything up. She had a good thing going with your sister, but she threw it all away for you, Jazz." Billy explains

"I didn't mean to hurt her, that was never my intention." Chasity dropped her bag at her side

"You didn't mean to hurt her? What you did almost cost Nessa her life! How selfish can you be?!" Billy yelled

"Come on, chill out." Jazz pleaded

"No, I'm not going to chill out. It's her fault Nessa almost died and you know it, Jazz. How long before you wake up and realize that I'm right?" Billy shoved him away before running down the stairs

Jazz turned to face Chasity, who's tears were welling up in her eyes. Throwing his bag to the ground, he embraced her, allowing her tears to soak his jacket

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