Friends Over Everything

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The next morning, Devon woke up in his dorm room. Once his vision grew clear, he spots Jake sitting across from him with bags under his eyes

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Devon asks

"I spent the night." Jake answered

"Did you sleep a wink?" Devon groaned

"I couldn't, not until I knew you were okay." Jake sat on the edge of the bed

"I'm fine." Devon sighed

"You're not fine, Dev. You blew up at me when I tried to help you. Are you having nightmares again? Is that it?" Jake asks

"You don't know what it's like to have that devastating memory play over and over again in your head. Jake, it sucks. At this point, I refuse to go to sleep. Every time I close my eyes, I have that same nightmare. It's on a never-ending loop." Devon says

"Do you want to skip today? I could stay with you, we could watch chicken little as many times as you want." Jake kissed his forehead

"You know you're not supposed to be in here, you could get in some serious trouble." Devon snuggled up against him

"You're more important than anything else right now." Jake pulled him into his arms, waiting until he fell asleep to shut his eyes

Meanwhile, Lexy was in her dorm room studying for next week's math test when her roommate bursts in the room, tackling her into a bear hug

"What's got you all perked up?" Lexy smiled

"I'm just happy to see you." Nadine says

"Why do I feel like you're keeping something from me?" Lexy asks, wrapping her arms around her waist before pulling her onto her lap

"I have no secrets; I am an open book." Nadine avoided eye contact

"Nadine, what did you do?" Lexy whispers

"Okay, fine! I punched Tommy because I didn't like the way he spoke to you yesterday." Nadine caved

"Please tell me you're joking." Lexy panicked

"It's not April fool's, Alexandra." Nadine rolled her eyes

"Nadine, I don't need you to fight my battles. What part of that conversation didn't you understand?" Lexy groaned

"Don't yell at me! Excuse me for trying to protect you from all the ignorant bastards in this school!" Nadine yelled, getting off of Lexy's lap and flopping down on her bed

"I didn't mean to yell." Lexy sighed

Lexy reached for Nadine, her heart shattering once she moved away from her touch

"Leave me alone." Nadine shoved her away

"Hey, I'm sorry. I'm under a lot of stress right now." Lexy explains

"That doesn't make it okay for you to yell at me!" Nadine squealed

"Well, now you're yelling at me. Who's the hypocrite now, Nadine?!" Lexy yelled

"Friends look out for each other, Lexy. That's what I was trying to do. Instead of yelling at me, you should be thanking me." Nadine pouts

"Friends? Is that what we are now?" Lexy's heart dropped down to her feet

"Honestly, I'm not sure what we are." Nadine grabbed her stuff, slamming the door on her way out

While Nadine and Lexy were on the outs, Chasity and Nessa were looking through some photo albums Chasity had brought with her when she was enrolled into incarnate Lord

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