My Inner Scars

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Chasity woke up the next morning, shielding her face with her hands once the sunlight beams down on her. Kicking her legs over the bed, she lets her feet dangle a bit before placing them on solid ground

"What am I supposed to do around here without you, Nessa?" Chasity whispered to herself, twirling around the necklace Vanessa gave to her on their first date

"I'm sure you'll manage." A familiar voice says from the other side of the door

"What did I tell you about eavesdropping, Vanessa?" Chasity rolled her eyes before opening the door, stepping aside to let her in

"Sorry, ladybug. It's a bad habit of mine." Nessa chuckled

"It's official, you're really leaving?" Chasity fumbled with her necklace

"Hey, it's only temporarily." Nessa coddled her

"It feels like we just got back to normal and the universe is already ruining whatever chance we had left of getting back together." Chasity mumbled

"I'm always with you, no matter the time or place. It's going to be okay, you just have to take my word for it." Nessa pressed their heads together

"You're slipping through my fingers again. This time, you're the one letting go, not me." Chasity's eyes welled up with tears

"Come here, everything will be alright." Nessa embraced her, rocking her back and forth in her arms before planting a soft kiss on her forehead

Meanwhile, Jazz and Billy were in their dorm rooms getting ready for their first class. Billy looked over at his best friend, who had a sour look on his face. Jumping down on the bed, he tickles him until he starts to giggle

"What's got you down?" Billy nudged him

"My sister and I have been out of each other's lives for 6 years, we only saw each other during the summer. Now I'm not sure what'll happen to her. I don't know if my mom's sending her to a boarding school or military school, I don't know!" Jazz exclaimed

"Okay, relax. You're going to raise your blood pressure. Speaking of which, have you taken your insulin?" Billy asked

"No, not yet. Besides, you know I hate needles." Jazz's face fell

"Don't worry, I can help with that." Billy assured

Getting up from the bed, Billy fished his best friend's insulin out of his bag before kneeling down in front of him

"Remember what I told you when we found out you were diagnosed with diabetes?" Billy asks

"You told me there was nothing to be afraid of, I was tougher than nails." Jazz smiled

"Yeah, and you still are. Jazz, you've overcome so much in so little time. Despite everything you're going through, you still find reasons to fight." Billy says, slowly lifting up his shirt

"Through it all, you were there for me." Jazz says

"I'll always be there for you, no matter what. Are you ready?" Billy asks

"Yeah, I'm ready." Jazz squeezed his hand

"3,2,1.. we're done!" Billy injected the insulin into his stomach before placing it back in his backpack

"Yeah, it still sucks." Jazz took a shaky breath

"What did I tell you? You're a tough cookie." Billy kissed him on the forehead

"Thank you, Billy." Jazz embraced him

"Alright, enough lollygagging. Let's go before the wardens break down our door and drag us to class." Billy grabbed his bag, placing his hand in his best friend's before walking out the door

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