The core four

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The next morning, Jake and Devon were called into father Bryce's office. After sitting there for 15 minutes, he walks in and pulls his chair towards his desk, folding his hands out in front of him

"Sister Francis told me you got into a fight yesterday. Is that correct?" Father Bryce addressed Jake, who was biting his nails

"How the hell does she know?" Jake furrowed his eyebrows

"Language, Mr wheeler." Father Bryce warned

"I'm just saying!" Jake yelled

"In all fairness, James started it. He made fun of my dead mother, Jake's alcoholic father, and bullied me in class. How are we the ones getting in trouble?" Devon half shouted

"He told me you threw the first punch." Father Bryce blankly stared at Jake

"Yeah, because he's a prick." Jake rubbed his head

"He's got a point." Devon muttered

"Where do you fit into all of this, Mr Evans?" Father Bryce asked, patiently waiting for an answer

"He was hurting Jake, I wasn't about to sit back and let it happen." Devon said, holding back a smile once he catches his boyfriend grinning

"Because of you two, James can't compete in his wrestling tournament on Saturday." Father Bryce calmly stated

"Oh, boo fucking hoo." Jake growled, listening to Devon giggle beside him

"Mr wheeler, that's quite enough." Father Bryce instructed

"What are you going to do, call my parents? Oh right, they're dead. Try calling my aunt, uncle, and cousin. Oh wait, you can't do that either. Do you know why? They're all dead!" Jake snapped

"Look, I understand that you're upset.." Father Bryce began

"No, you don't understand. Have you ever watched someone you love fly through a car window? That gives you major PTSD, childhood trauma. I watched both of my parents die and there was nothing I could do about it. I'm the one who's been bullied for being different, for being gay, and for being an orphan. You have no idea how I feel." Jake teared up

"Can we please leave?" Devon asked, refusing to take his eyes off Jake

"I will figure out a punishment for the two of you. Now get out of my office." Father Bryce heavily sighed

Once the door closes, Jake breaks down in Devon's embrace, letting the warmth of his hug swarm around in his mind.

"Is that why you're afraid of thunderstorms?" Devon whispered, feeling his head move from his shoulder

"I didn't mean to freak you out." Jake sniffled

"No, you didn't freak me out." Devon kissed his cheek

"You gave James brain damage, right?" Jake asked

"Possibly." Devon cackled

"Good, I'm proud of you." Jake held him close

Meanwhile, Lexy was in math class when she felt a hand tickling her neck. Turning around, she sees Nadine waving at her with a goofy look on her face.

"So you and Trevor switched seats, huh?" Lexy questioned

"Actually, he transfered to a different class." Nadine giggled

"I have never been more proud of you." Lexy squealed

"Nadine, pay attention before I put you in another one of those special classes." Sister Mary huffed

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