My boy, my boy, my boy

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It was 2 am and Billy had woken up to the sounds of crying. Throwing the blanket off his body, he rubs his sleepy eyes and stares at his best friend, who was cooped up in a corner with his knees hugged against his chest

"Jazz, what happened?" Billy rushed to his side, his eyes filled with worry while he stared at his distraught friend

"I had another nightmare, this one felt so real." Jazz rocked back and forth

"Tell me about it." Billy folded up a napkin and wiped away the sweat dripping down his forehead

"I came out to my dad and he got so angry, he started choking me. Billy, I couldn't breathe. It was like the oxygen had left my body." Jazz hyperventilated

"Hey, it's alright. I'm here, I'm right here." Billy kissed his cheek

"I'm sorry for waking you up, I thought I could handle this on my own." Jazz cried

"Hey, you have nothing to apologize for. I told you, I'll always be here for you." Billy whispered

Jazz picked his head up off his chest and stared into his brown eyes, smiling at the moments he'd get lost in those beautiful eyes of his

"Can I sleep in your bed tonight? I'd feel much safer around you." Jazz begged

"Yeah, that's fine." Billy nodded

"Thanks for putting up with me." Jazz added

"Well, someone has to." Billy smiled, scooping him up in his arms before placing him down on the bed

"Don't be a smartass." Jazz chuckled, getting snuggled up in the covers

"Go to sleep." Billy instructed, throwing his arm around Jazz's waist and pulling him closer for warmth

"Goodnight, Billy." Jazz murmured

"Goodnight, Jazz." Billy kissed his forehead, waiting until his best friend fell asleep to shut his eyes

The next morning rolled around and Devon had been called down to father Bryce's office. Anxiously tapping his fingers on the arms of the chair, he rolls his eyes once he hears the priest walk into the room

"Mr Evans, do you know why I called you down here?" Father Bryce asked

"No, but I know you ruined my beauty sleep and I'm very cranky right now." Devon clenched his jaw

"The art teacher has informed me that you assaulted James Walker, is that true?" Father Bryce asked

"Yeah, and? He's a narcissist, homophobic douchebag." Devon snarled

"We strictly prohibit violence in this school!" Father Bryce harshly whispered

"Let me get this straight. James is allowed to talk shit about our dead parents, but whenever I decide to stick up for myself by punching that prick in the face, I'm the one at fault? That's bullshit." Devon laughed

"Detention for a week, now get out of here." Father Bryce instructed

"As you wish, your highness." Devon silently cursed him out while heading out the door

Devon was on his way back to his room when he felt a hand over his mouth, startling him into elbowing them in the ribs

"Damn it, not again." The boy groaned

"Jake, what the hell!" Devon shoved him

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Jake apologized

"Yeah, I'm fine." Devon assured him

"What happened?" Jake asks, blowing his curls out of his eyes

"I got detention for a week, but I don't regret what I did." Devon shrugged his shoulders

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