Doin' it all for love

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Billy woke up the next morning, a bit groggy and confused from the events of last night. Looking down, he realizes that his best friend's arms were wrapped around his waist and his heart began to race. Calming himself down, he leans forward and strokes his friend's cheek to stir him awake

"Five more minutes, Billy." Jazz spoke in the grumbling voice he loved so much

"Come on, you know we have to go to class." Billy whispered

"No, I don't want to go. You can't make me!" Jazz whined

"I can drag you out of this bed." Billy smacked him in the face with a pillow

"A scrawny little thing like yourself? Oh, please. You can't even open a pickle jar." Jazz scoffed

"You little shit!" Billy straddled him, beating him with his pillow until he got frustrated

"Hey, cut it out! That hurts." Jazz grunts

"Not until you apologize!" Billy yelled

"Screw you." Jazz fought back

Jazz switched their positions, tightening his grip on his white t-shirt. Pulling him forward, their lips slightly brushed against each other's, igniting a spark between the two

"Aw, did I upset you? That was totally my intention." Billy teased

"Apologize or else.." Jazz threatened

"Or else what?" Billy smirked, sneaking a quick glance at his lips

"I forgot how unbearable you were." Jazz released the grip on his shirt

"I love you too." Billy giggled

"Let's go before we get in trouble." Jazz caved, getting off his friend to head to his closet and grab his uniform

Meanwhile, Nessa was in her dorm room staring at her bruised knuckles when a knock at the door startled her. She opens up the door and Chasity walks in with a pack of ice in one hand and a fresh pair of bandages in the other

"How are you doing?" Chasity asks, setting everything down on the bed

"My hands hurt, but I'm okay." Nessa sat beside her

"You know, I don't always need you to fight my battles for me." Chasity gently placed the ice on her knuckles

"You don't deserve this." Nessa muttered

"I've been dealing with this since middle school, all the homophobic comments and the shady looks from my grandparents. It is what it is, I can't change them." Chasity's face fell

"If they can't accept you for who you are, then they don't deserve to have you in their lives. Fuck them, it's their loss, not yours." Nessa says

"Thank you, Nessa. That means a lot." Chasity smiled

"It took some time, but my mom came around and learned to accept me and my brother." Nessa says

"What about your dad?" Chasity asks

"There's a reason Jazz and I keep it to ourselves. If our dad knew, he would hate us. Can't say I'm not used to being hated on, it's pretty much a tradition in my family." Nessa hissed, making a fist once Chasity dabbed rubbing alcohol on her wounds

"If it's any consolation, I don't hate you." Chasity smiled

"Really? The way you're rubbing that alcohol stuff on me says otherwise. It burns!" Nessa groaned, sighing in relief once her wounds are wrapped up

"I'm sorry, I'm trying to make sure it doesn't get infected." Chasity gently placed her hand on top of hers, immediately giving her a sense of comfort

"Thanks anyway, ladybug." Nessa kissed her cheek

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