My Everything

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Billy woke up the next morning to the sounds of shouting in the hall. Sliding on his slippers, he peeks his head out the door and sees Jazz talking to his father, who must've dropped by unannounced

"I'm taking you home, end of discussion." Steven poked him

"Screw you, I'm perfectly fine where I'm at." Jazz murmured, groaning in pain after his father slammed him against the wall

"You know better than to talk back to me, boy!" Steven grits his teeth

"I should've lived with mom instead of you." Jazz's voice quivered

"Yeah, why's that?" Steven gripped his chin

"She's a much better parent than you'll ever be. Plus she's not a two timing cheater." Jazz whispered

Billy watched as Steven raised his hand and struck his son across the face. Throwing him to the ground, he repeatedly kicks him in the gut, ignoring the tears streaming down his face. Billy decided that enough was enough, so he comes out of his room and approaches them

"Leave him alone, Steven!" Billy yelled, pushing him away before kneeling down to help his friend up

"This is family business, go back to your room." Steven demands

"Go fuck yourself, you're not my dad." Billy spat

"Right! I forgot your dad's in prison where he belongs. Keep it up, you'll be joining him soon enough." Steven threatened

"You think I give a rats ass that you're the sheriff? You're nothing but another measly human being to me." Billy balled up his fists

"Jazz, when you're done being an incompetent fool, give me a call." Steven told him, giving Billy one last glare before disappearing from view

Billy kneeled down next to his best friend, who kept holding his stomach. Moving his hands away from his gut, he lifts up his shirt and stares at the bruises on his stomach, silently wishing he could teach his best friend's father a thing or two

"I have to take you to the nurse." Billy whispered

"Just leave me here." Jazz cried

"I'm not leaving you out here in the middle of a hallway." Billy snaked an arm around his waist, helping him to their room before laying him down on the bed

"God, it hurts." Jazz whined

"Why didn't you scream for help?" Billy gently shoved him

"I'm okay, nothing to worry about." Jazz winched

Billy watched as Jazz curled up into a ball and held his stomach, crying after a sharp pain shot through his body. Billy turned away, letting his tears fall before wiping them away, praying to God that his best friend wasn't watching him

"Your dad's the one who should be in jail." Billy's tears fell

"Why are you crying?" Jazz held Billy while he wept

"Because he could kill you and the worst part is, he doesn't give two shits." Billy's face turned red

"I hate putting you in this position." Jazz stroked his hair

"Why didn't you call me?!" Billy repeatedly smacked him

"I didn't want to wake you, I'm sorry." Jazz held him close

"I told you, I don't care what time of the day it is. If your dad is here, you have to find me!" Billy buried his head in his chest

"I'm sorry, Billy. Come on, let's go back to sleep. Everything will be better once our conscious is clear." Jazz softly spoke, throwing his blanket over the two of them before closing his eyes

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