Don't Make Me Your Enemy

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The next morning, Ryder woke up to the sound of feet shuffling around the room. Pushing strands of his luscious brown hair out of his eyes, his gaze locks onto Danny, who gave him a shy wave before revealing a brown paper bag

"Danny." Ryder groaned

"It's a cheese steak. I know how much you like them, so I convinced Mr Mills to buy us some lunch." Danny shook the bag around

"You did that for me?" Ryder smiled

"Yes, I did. Are you mad at me?" Danny's eyes widened in terror

"No, not at all. I actually think it's really sweet." Ryder says

"I'm kinda living for your morning voice. It's so seductive." Danny teased

"Come here." Ryder smirked

Danny shuffled over to him, nervously twiddling his thumbs. Once Ryder took notice, he grabs his hand before interlocking their fingers, giving them a squeeze of assurance. Danny turned his head away to hide the faint blush circulating through his cheeks, which intrigued Ryder even more

"You're a big sweetheart." Danny muttered

"If you tell anyone about this, I will hurt you." Ryder gripped his chin

"Yeah, okay." Danny rolled his eyes

"Next time, I'll take you out to eat. What do you say to funnel cake?" Ryder says, rubbing his thumb across Danny's palm

"I do love funnel cake." Danny says

"Okay, then. It's a date." Ryder whispered

Letting out another contagious giggle, Danny reached out to push Ryder's hair out of his eyes. While he ran his fingers through his smooth hair, Ryder hummed in delight, implying that he was enjoying it

"Well, now I know your kink." Danny whispered

"Oh my gosh, shut up." Ryder laughed

"You can't silence me." Danny says

"Are you sure you're up for it today?" Ryder asks

"I have to face my demons sooner than later. Besides, I've missed enough classes. The last thing I need is my parents all up in my business." Danny sighs

"Fine. I'm coming with you." Ryder says, slowly placing him down on the bed

"Are you afraid I'm going to get jumped again?" Danny asks

"I just don't understand why anyone would hurt you, Danny. You're cute, smart, funny. You're everything I ever wanted in a guy." Ryder rambled

"Are you trying to say that you like me?" Danny blushed

"Okay, that concludes today's conversation." Ryder cleared his throat

"You're totally into me!" Danny giggled

"Shut up and let's go." Ryder grumbled, grabbing ahold of Danny's hand and dragging him out of the room

While the boys were on their way downstairs, Jake and Devon were by the lockers wrapped up in each other's warm embrace. They were so caught up in the moment, they had forgotten about Lexy, who rolled her eyes at their public displays of affection

"Guys, we get it. You're gay, you're in love. Let's move on!" Lexy grumbled

"Someone's not a morning person." Devon chuckled

"I'm sorry, I just can't stop thinking about her." Lexy's heart ached

"Listen, try to focus your attention on something else. For example, Chasity. You two seem to hit it off well." Jake advised

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