You're so pretty, it hurts

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Lexy woke up the next morning and smiled at the sight of her roommate lying beside her like she usually does whenever she has nightmares. Gently shaking her awake, Nadine's eyes slowly opened and she sat up in the bed, feeling around for her glasses.

"I want to sleep." Nadine grumbled, slapping Lexy's hand away

"You know we have to go to class." Lexy argued

"Why? They teach the same lessons every day. It's not like we're going to remember them anyway." Nadine whined

"Okay, that's a fair point." Lexy chuckled lightly

"Oh my gosh, I made Cinderella laugh!" Nadine squealed, staring at her in admiration while her laughter grew louder

"Cut it out, we have to go." Lexy stood up from the bed and grabbed Nadine's hand, yanking her off the bed and into her arms

"You're so pretty." Nadine whispered, tightening her hold around Lexy's waist

"I think you're the only person who truly thinks so." Lexy replied, turning her back to her roommate to hide the blush circulating through her cheeks

"Oh, come on! You don't need make-up, you're just naturally glam." Nadine smiled

"You really think so?" Lexy ecstatically asked

"Yeah, I know so." Nadine held out her hand

"You always know just what to say." Lexy grabbed her hand, interlocking their fingers before grabbing her bag and slinging it over her shoulder

"It's a gift." Nadine bragged, allowing the sound of her laughter to place her in a trance like state

Meanwhile, Devon was in his boyfriend's room having a conversation about the most powerful vampires in the TVDU universe when the girls burst into the room, causing them to scramble apart

"Jesus, Lexy! Would it kill you to knock?!" Jake yelled, tightening his hold on Devon's hand

"Oh, grow a pair! Besides, this isn't the first time I walked in on you two. Would it kill you to lock your door from time to time?" Lexy rolled her eyes

"I have a better idea. Why don't you send us a text or something before you decide to kick down my door?!" Jake shouted

"I would, but that's going to be a problem considering I don't have a cell phone!" Lexy flailed her arms around

"I feel like this friend group just needs to communicate better." Nadine intervened

"How'd you two get up here without getting caught? Aren't the halls packed with nuns?" Devon asked

"Not really, teacher's like to make it to their classes early so they can prepare the lesson plan." Nadine answered

"We'll be down in a minute, now get out." Jake sighed

"Really, Devon? This is the best you can do?" Lexy stared down Jake, who was quick to flip her off

"Please leave before I get into trouble for attempting murder." Devon smiled

"Let's go, Nadine. They're killing my vibe." Lexy grabbed her hand, dragging her out of the room and closing the door on her way out

Jake lied back down on Devon's chest, his smile growing wide once he felt his hands run through his curls.

"What's going through that head of yours?" Devon whispered

"Every time I see you, I think of our first kiss, our first time holding hands, our first breakup. We're going to be one of those old fashioned married couples in the future, aren't we?" Jake questioned, getting a laugh out of Devon

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