A Cry For Help

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Devon woke up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. Ripping the covers off his body, he grabs his razor from the top hand drawer before walking down the hall towards the boys bathroom, making sure the coast was clear before closing the door behind him

"What the fuck? I thought I locked that." A familiar voice whined

"Billy, you're here.. again." Devon furrowed his eyebrows

"Jazz is watching Alvin and the chipmunks, it's making my ears bleed. I couldn't sleep, so I came in here. Besides weed, herbal tea calms me down." Billy explains

"Can I talk to you?" Devon anxiously snapped the rubber band on his wrist

"Are you getting urges?" Billy asks, scooting over on the bench

"Yeah, I am. I have the same nightmare every night, the one where I watch my mom fall down the stairs and break her neck. Every time I wake up from that horrible nightmare, the urges get stronger." Devon shook, taking a seat beside him

Billy eyed the razor that was held tightly in Devon's hand, his brown eyes widening in terror once he saw blood dripping down his hand

"Hey, you're hurting yourself. Give it to me." Billy held out his hand

"No, you're not talking to me out of it. This time, I'm going through with it." Devon stood his ground

"Okay, go ahead. I won't stop you." Billy stood up, leaning against the stall door

"What?" Devon asked

"Go ahead, put an end to your pain and suffering. See if I care." Billy continued

"Why would you say that?" Devon's voice cracked

"That was a test, Evans. Peer pressure and bullying can lead to your downfall. You have a choice here, you can either fight your demons or you could give into the darkness and let it consume you." Billy advised

"What if there's nothing worth fighting for anymore?" Devon asks

"There's always something worth fighting for, Devon. Remember, you're not alone in this. You have people in this world who truly care about you, who want you to get better. Don't push them away, it'll only make things worse." Billy whispered

Devon tore his gaze away from the brown haired boy and stared at the cuts on his hand, hesitating a little bit before handing the blade to Billy, who rinsed the blood off of it before shoving it into his pocket

"I guess this is step one to recovery?" Devon asks

"Baby steps, you'll get there soon enough." Billy sighed

"I didn't know razor blades were that sharp." Devon whined

"Speaking from experience, they get the job done. If you knew how many times I cut myself, you would sit there and wonder why I'm not locked in an asylum or something." Billy says

"Do you still get the urge to do it?" Devon asks

"No, because I have Jazmere. He keeps my mind off that. When I'm with him, all I think about is our future together. I couldn't fandom the idea of being apart from him, that's why I fought. It's why I continue to keep fighting, I do it all for him." Billy says

"Oh my gosh, you got it bad." Devon laughed

"Shut up! Now try to stay still while I clean you up." Billy playfully smacked him

Once Billy finished cleaning the blood off his hands, he focused his attention on cleaning the wounds so they wouldn't get infected

"That hurts!" Devon yelled

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