That's my girl

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Chasity woke up the next morning, letting out a bloodcurdling scream once she saw Tori sitting on top of her. Her bubbly blonde friend's smile fades and she starts screaming along with her

"Tori, what are you doing in here?!" Chasity whined

"Waiting for you to hurry up and get dressed. Come on, they're serving cinnamon rolls today and if I don't get one, I will burn this school down! I bet it would make some beautiful ashes." Tori smiled

"When did you become so aggressive?" Chasity asks

"Simon's been teaching me how to be assertive." Tori giggled

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute. Please get out." Chasity threw the pillow over her face

"If you're not out of this room in 10 minutes, I will come back and I will suffocate you in your sleep." Tori whispered in her ear, giving her a bright smile before closing the door on her way out

"Oh my gosh, I hate this place!" Chasity groaned

Chasity dragged herself out of bed and got ready. In less than 20 minutes, she was out the door and heading straight to the cafeteria. Once she grabs her choice of breakfast for the day, she sits at the table with her friends

"I heard the spawn of Satan was back." Billy started off the conversation

"Who are we talking about?" Jazz asks

"Blair, she came back to school yesterday. If you saw the way she looked, you'd be high-fiving your sister for taking matters into her own hands." Billy wheezed

"You know my sister can't control her temper. Once she's provoked, it's a done deal." Jazz chugged down his chocolate milk

"Come on, class is boring without her! I miss her snarky commentary." Billy pouts

"She always rendered the nuns speechless, especially sister Francis." Tori smiled

"She needs to be in a retirement home or something. She's worse than Mrs quickly." Billy says, holding back a smile once he saw Jazz cough up his chocolate milk

"You did not bring nanny McPhee into this!" Jazz laughed

Chasity poked at her food, her mind wandering off to her confrontation with Blair yesterday

"What's on your mind, Flores?" Billy asks

"Nothing, I'm fine." Chasity says

"Are you thinking about Vanessa again? I wouldn't blame you if you were." Billy sang

"Why are you thinking about my sister?" Jazz crossed his arms

"Chill, your sister was a thing of the past. I'm over it now." Billy's tone softened

"Are you saying my sister's not good enough for you?" Jazz's tone grew defensive

"Oh my gosh, can we not have this conversation right now?" Billy rubbed his aching head

"It's always Nessa this, Nessa that. Ugh, you sicken me!" Jazz groaned, grabbing his bag and running off

"Jazz, wait up!" Billy ran after him

Tori scooted closer to Chasity and gently tapped on her shoulder to get her attention

"What's eating you up?" Tori asks

"I'm worried about Vanessa, she hasn't returned any of my texts. Does she not like me anymore?" Chasity sulked

"That's ridiculous. If she didn't like you anymore, she wouldn't stick her neck out for you. She'll do anything for you, Chasity." Tori encouraged

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