Unleashing The Beast From Within

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The next morning, Danny woke up and found himself in someone else's room, preferably Ryder's. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he rips the covers off his body and stands up, tiptoeing around the bed to grab his shoes before heading for the door

"Where do you think you're going?" Ryder's husky voice emerged

"I'm sorry if I woke you up." Danny ran his fingers through his hair

"Did you sleep on the floor all night?" Ryder asks

"Yeah. I didn't want to be rude by taking up space in your bed, so I slept on the floor." Danny says

"Come here." Ryder patted on the bed

"I don't want to intrude." Danny says

"Hey, it's okay. I don't bite, I promise." Ryder held out his hand

Placing his shoes by the door, Danny walked back over to the center of the room and placed his hand in Ryder's, admiring how soft and gentle he was whenever they were together

"I really didn't mean to unload all of my problems onto you." Danny stuttered

"Danny, if you're having problems, you can always come to me." Ryder squeezed his hand

"I've always had a close relationship with my sister, now it feels like I don't even know her anymore." Danny muttered

"In her eyes, she thought she was doing the right thing." Ryder says

"You don't know the magnitude of what my parents put me through, Ryder. Nothing I did was ever good enough for them." Danny hung his head

Ryder placed his hand on his cheek, gently caressing it before leaning forward to plant a kiss on his forehead

"You spent half of your life trying to please them. Now it's time for you to do your own thing, go your own route." Ryder advised

"Why do you care so much?" Danny asks

"I want what's best for you, Danny. I've seen your art, it's amazing. You have a better chance of getting out of this shithole than the rest of us. When an opportunity comes your way, take it. Don't waste it." Ryder says

"This is probably the worst time to mention this, but I'm starving." Danny whined

"Say no more." Ryder chuckled

"I know everyone thinks that you're an intimidating person, but that's because they haven't gotten a chance to get to know you, the real you. Quite frankly, I love this version of you, it's the best one yet." Danny blushed

"It kinda sounds like you're flirting with me, McCarthy." Ryder smirked

"Oh my gosh, shut up and let's go!" Danny laughed

While the boys were on their way downstairs, Jazmere and Billy were still in their dorm room joking around with one another. Billy was busy repainting Jazz's nails, sighing in disbelief while he squirmed around on the bed

"Jazmere, hold still or I'll ruin your coat." Billy says

"I'm sorry. The fidgeting, it's kind of hard to control." Jazz apologized

"Alright, talk to me." Billy caved

"There's nothing to talk about, I'm fine." Jazz fidgeted

"Look, I know you better than anyone. I know when something's bothering you, so spill it." Billy says

"I can't, it's so stupid." Jazmere muttered

"You realize who you're talking to, right?" Billy chuckled

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