Crazy In Love

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The next morning, the students were in chemistry class learning about the dangers of carbon monoxide. Unfortunately, class got cut short once the teacher caught a pair of students munching on snacks. Rubbing the chalk off her hands, she approaches their desks, giving them a look they knew all too well

"Can we help you?" Billy eyed her with curiosity

"Your forehead vein is bulging like crazy." Jazz added

"Excuse me?!" Sister Sarah gasped

"It's huge! How can anyone miss it?" Billy laughed

"Billy, Jazz. Why are you two eating in my classroom?!" Sister Sarah yelled

"Isn't it obvious? We're hungry." Billy muffled

"You eat in the cafeteria, not in the classroom. I can't teach if you two are causing a ruckus." Sister Sarah sighed

"Get off our nuts! Is it illegal to eat nowadays?" Jazz yelled

"Yeah, and he's a diabetic. If he ends up going into shock, I know who to blame." Billy stared the teacher down

Suddenly, Danny scooted towards them and nudged Jazmere, causing his anger to simmer down a bit

"What's up, dirty Dan?" Jazz cracked a smile

"You have zebra cakes." Danny pointed out

"Yeah. You want them?" Jazz asks

"Yes, please." Danny nodded

"Alright, but you have to give me something in exchange. Whatcha got?" Jazz asks

"I have a Hershey bar, a pack of Twinkies, and a couple of slim Jim's. Oh, and a bag of hot Cheetos. Take your pick." Danny opened up his bag

Billy shoved Jazmere out of the way, reaching over him to grab the hot Cheetos out of Danny's bag. Unable to contain himself, Danny burst out laughing at Billy's belligerent ways while Jazz buried his face in his bookbag to stop himself from laughing

"Boys, this isn't entrepreneur class. If you want to learn how to start your own business, do it on your time, not mine!" Sister Sarah snapped

"I'm so sorry, sister Sarah. Would you like some?" Danny sheepishly smiled, holding out his bag in front of him

"McCarthy, go back to your seat." Sister Sarah sighed

"Judging by the way your eye is twitching, I'm sensing you're a teensy bit angry." Danny says

"I'm glad I don't have kids." Sister Sarah muttered

"Aren't we all." Billy interrupted

"Just pay attention." Sister Sarah instructed

"Yes, ma'am." Jazz says

After class ends, the boys get together and huddle by the lockers. While Danny was looking for his notes for his next class, Billy and Jazz were beside him, laughing until their ribs ached

"Why would you point out her forehead vein?!" Billy squealed

"I don't know! It just slipped out." Jazz shrugged

"Sister Sarah might be onto something, though. Maybe we can start our own business." Danny leaned against the lockers

"How do you propose we do that, dirty Dan?" Jazz asks

"Since they're working on getting rid of the vending machines, and replacing them with healthy snacks, I say we have the upper hand. We buy snacks of our own, and sell them at a higher price than what we paid for." Danny rambled

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