Maybe I am just not enough

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The next morning, Jazz was sitting in Father Bryce's office with his parents, Justine and Steven.

"Why'd you call me from work? I was in the middle of writing someone a ticket." Steven sighed 

"Steven, be nice!" Justine whispered

"Well, your son has been in the nurse's office for the past few days and the teachers have been worried about him. Specifically, sister Sophie. The other day, she came to my office and told me Jazz had a black eye." Father Bryce kept his focus on his father

"I would never do anything to harm my son. No disrespect, but sister Sophie needs to quit snooping around. What we do with our kids is our business, no one else's." Steven implied

"We're just trying to make sure Jazz feels safe, that's all." Father Bryce smiled

"It's nothing to worry about, Father Bryce. I'll be on time next time, I promise." Jazz answered

"Now if we're done here, I have to go back to work." Steven clenched his fists

"Yeah, of course. Thank you for your time." Father Bryce shook their hands

After leaving the office, they turn the corner and Steven firmly grabs Jazz's arm, slamming him against the wall with his hand wrapped around his throat.

"What the hell did you tell your teacher, huh?!" Steven shouted

"I didn't tell her anything, I swear." Jazz gasped for air

"You're a liar." Steven growled

"Oh, that's rich coming from the guy who cheated on my mother." Jazz blurted out

"You little bastard!" Steven yelled, striking him across the face

"Hey, that's enough! Our child goes through enough as it is." Justine pushed her ex husband away

"He needs to be disciplined, Justine. We talked about this. He needs to learn how to be a man." Steven seethed

"He's only 15, Steven! He has all the time in the world to learn how to be a man. For now, let him be a kid." Justine helped her son up off the ground

"Justine, this kid is nothing but a failure. He's nothing like me! Is he really my kid? Did you sleep with someone else?!" Steven ganged up on her

"You need to leave." Justine stood her ground

"We'll finish this conversation later." Steven addressed his son before fixing his uniform and heading out

When Justine was done cleaning her son's bloody nose, she looked around and spotted his best friend lurking in the corner. Motioning for him to come forward, he comes out from behind the lockers and kneels down next to Jazz, who begun to cry. He held him in a tight embrace while he continued sobbing.

"Hey, it's okay. We all know your dad's a dick." Billy whispered, getting a laugh out of him

"I'm really glad you're here." Jazz laid his head on his shoulder

"You'd fall apart without me, we all know it's the truth." Billy smugly replied

"Hey, mom. Did you, ya know.. spill my secret to him?" Jazz asked

"Sweetheart, I'm not stupid. Whoever you choose to be, I'll love you regardless. The same rules apply to your sister, too. Your dad is old school, he'll never understand." Justine sighed

"Nessa's coming, right?" Jazz asked

"Of course she is. Now fix yourself up and get to class. Tell your aunt to give me a call later on, okay?" Justine demanded, watching him nod before getting up from the ground

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