Home Is Where The Heart Is

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The next morning, Jake woke up to an empty bed. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and sat up, trying to recall the events of the previous night. Suddenly, it dawned on him that his lover was not lying next to him. Looking around the room, his anxiety wavered once he saw his lover standing across from him, wearing his plaid hooded shirt - the very one Jake had worn during their first kiss. His frown transformed into a smile, evoking the same warm and fuzzy feeling he experienced on that special day

"Jay, you're staring again." Devon smiled

"What did I tell you about wearing my clothes to bed?" Jake chuckled

"I can't help it! I love the way it smells, reminds me of you." Devon pouted

"Come here." Jake patted on the empty side of the bed

"If we get caught, we'll get into some serious trouble." Devon reminded him

"Oh, please. That's never stopped you before." Jake says

"That's fair." Devon laughed

Devon took a seat on the bed and laid his head on Jake's chest, intertwining their fingers before tenderly kissing his knuckles. In response, Jake giggled and placed a gentle kiss on Devon's forehead, causing him to blush uncontrollably

"No nightmares this time?" Jake whispered

"Being around you helps. It keeps the nightmares at bay." Devon responded

"You're saying I'm a good luck charm?" Jake asks

"Don't get a big head." Devon says

"Don't patronize me." Jake rolled his eyes

"Were you serious about last night? You know, about spending the rest of your life with me?" Devon asks

"There's no one else I'd rather be with. You are it, Dev." Jake kissed his cheek

"I love you." Devon snuggled up against his chest

"I love you more, Devon." Jake blushed

"That's not possible." Devon whispered

As the boys enjoyed their time together, Nadine stayed awake, keeping watch over Tori, who was peacefully asleep on her chest with their fingers entwined. At the same time, Lexy was sleeping soundly on Tori's lap, softly snoring. Nadine couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of the girls sleeping so peacefully. Regrettably, their moment of peace was severed by the sound of the alarm blaring. Jolting awake, Tori lifted her head from Nadine's chest, wiping away the dry drool on the side of her face. Shortly after, Lexy woke up, raised her head from Tori's lap, and frowned upon hearing the girls giggle at her messy blonde hair

"Oh my gosh, I hate mornings!" Tori groaned

"How'd you sleep?" Lexy asks

"Like a baby." Tori giggled

"I bet. You were holding onto me like it was a matter of life or death." Nadine says

"Right! I'm sorry about that." Tori nervously chuckled

"No worries." Nadine says

"If you want, we could stay in and watch a couple of movies." Lexy suggested

"Hm, maybe later. Right now, I'm kind of hungry." Tori hummed

"Well, let's get dressed. We'll go downstairs together." Nadine says

"Hey! Can we binge watch Shadowhunters later on? I'm a really big fan of malec!" Tori beamed

"What's Shadowhunters?" Lexy asks

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