I'm A Survivor

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The next morning, Billy's alarm clock went off, scaring one of the boys awake. Once Jazz rubbed the sleep from his eyes, he looked down and found Billy's arms wrapped around his waist, his face buried in the crook of his neck. Holding back a smile, he leans forward and plants a kiss on his cheek, stirring him awake in the process

"Jazmere, go back to sleep." Billy groaned

"We have to go to class." Jazz nudged him

"High school is such a drag." Billy whined

"Come on, shikamaru! Get up." Jazz smacked him with a pillow

"Alright, I'm up! Are you happy now?" Billy pouts, sitting up in the bed before running his fingers through his messy hair

"As long as I have you by my side, I'll forever be happy." Jazz grabbed his hand

"You're corny, but I love you anyways." Billy blushed, looking down at their interlocked fingers with a smile on his face

"I know." Jazz laughed

Jazz let go of his hand and headed towards his closet, pulling his uniform off the rack before throwing it on the bed. Picking at the chipped nail polish on his fingernails, Billy kept his gaze on Jazmere, his eyes filled with concern

"Are you okay?" Billy asks

"I'm fine." Jazz says

"No, I'm talking about what happened yesterday. You were so shaken up, you could barely close your eyes and go to sleep." Billy says

"Billy, you don't understand how bad my childhood was. By the time I was 12 years old, they placed me on antidepressant meds, they thought it might help. If anything, it made things worse." Jazz flopped down on the bed

"Well, now you got me. I'm not letting your dad near you, not without a fight." Billy squeezed his hand, assuring him that everything will be alright

"Do you still have his taser?" Jazz frowned

"I keep it in the top hand drawer just in case." Billy whispered

"I'm glad I met you, Billy Young." Jazz smiled

"I'm glad I met you too, Jazmere Sinclair." Billy kissed his cheek

Meanwhile, Chasity was in her room finishing up a history assignment when a knock at the door ruined her concentration. Getting up from the desk, she opens the door and comes face to face with her girlfriend, who pulled her into her arms before planting a soft kiss on her lips

"You love to ambush me, don't you?" Chasity threw her arms around her neck

"Well, you are my girl. It wouldn't feel right if I didn't ruin your peace and quiet once in a while." Nessa chuckled

"Typical girlfriend behavior." Chasity rolled her eyes

"Don't get sassy with me, Flores. I warned you about that!" Nessa demands

"Are you ready to talk about what happened yesterday?" Chasity asks

Nessa unraveled her hands from around her waist and grasped ahold of her hand, gently pulling her down on the bed

"Yesterday, my dad paid us a visit. I didn't tell you because I was afraid you'd be upset." Nessa twiddled her thumbs

"What happened? Are you okay? Is Jazz okay?" Chasity bombarded her with questions

"We're fine. The argument got a little heated and I ended up telling my dad about us." Nessa caved

"How'd he take it?" Chasity asks

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