Rekindling The Flickering Flame

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It was around 3 AM and Jazz had just woken up from another bloodcurdling nightmare. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he rips the covers off and swings his legs over the edge of the bed, slowly turning around to check on his best friend. He was mumbling something in his sleep, repeatedly tossing and turning in the sheets

"What are you dreaming about, Billy?" Jazz chuckled

"Jazz, don't go." Billy murmured

"What?" Jazz frowned

"Don't leave me alone, please stay." Billy whined

"I'm right here, B." Jazz whispered

"Jazz.." Billy cried

"Billy, wake up." Jazz gently shook him awake

Billy jolted awake, his eyes shooting open as he sat up in bed. Sweat trickled down his face, causing his disheveled dark hair to stick to his forehead. He buried his face in his hands, groaning in annoyance, before scanning the dark room. Soon, his best friend caught his eye, startling him quite a bit. Trying not to startle him any further, Jazz tenderly embraced Billy from behind, resting his chin on his shoulder and holding him close to calm his nerves

"What are you doing?" Billy asks

"Trying to calm you down." Jazz answered

"Fuck." Billy sighed

"Were you dreaming about me?" Jazz whispered in his ear, sending chills down his spine

"No! Why would you think that?" Billy blushed

"You talk in your sleep, B." Jazz chuckled

"Double fuck." Billy groaned

"I'd never leave you. You know that, don't you?" Jazz asks

"It'll happen eventually, Jazmere. I mean, look at my parents. I haven't seen my mom since I was 13, nor my dad. My mom calls me once a week, sends a little cash to get me through the month. My dad rarely writes me letters anymore. It's like I cease to exist in their eyes." Billy's eyes watered

"Look at me." Jazz demands

Once Jazz observed that Billy was intentionally avoiding making eye contact with him, Jazz proceeded to softly grasp Billy's chin and redirect his gaze towards him, ensuring that their eyes met. Billy couldn't resist and eventually succumbed, leaning into Jazz's warm touch. Subsequently, Billy placed his hands upon Jazz's chest and began twirling his necklace with his index finger, as they both gently swayed back and forth on the bed

"You can't magically fix my family, Jazz. It's already fucked up. The damage is done, leave it at that." Billy's voice broke

"I am your family, Billy. All we ever had was each other, and if you think I'm just going to abandon you like that, you're wrong. You were there for me when times were rough. It's time for me to do the same for you." Jazz whispered, leaning down to plant a soft kiss on his forehead

"Stay with me, please?" Billy asked

"Always." Jazz nodded in agreement

The following morning, Jazz was jolted awake by the alarm clock. He sighed in disappointment, then flopped back onto his pillow and gazed down at his best friend. Gradually, his frown transformed into a smile as he observed Billy peacefully sleeping on his chest. Unable to resist, he began to run his fingers through Billy's disheveled brown hair, causing him to hum happily

"Jazz, not now." Billy whined

"Come on, we have to go to class." Jazz says

"I don't want to." Billy says

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