All I Wanted Was You

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The next morning, Lexy walked into her room to find Nadine packing her bags. Rubbing her sweaty palms on her skirt, she wraps her arms around her waist and hugs her from behind, planting a soft kiss on her cheek before rocking her back and forth in her warm embrace

"Nadine, I don't want to give up on us." Lexy says

"Lexy, I would never give up on you. After our fight, I had to take some time to cool down. I want to apologize for the things I said. I was out of line and I'm sorry." Nadine admits

"It's okay. People say I'm a miniature version of my mother. Believe me, I don't take that as a compliment. She's the worse." Lexy says

"At least you have a mother. I understand that she could be a piece of work, but she's still your mother. Enjoy whatever time you have left because you never know when it'll be her last day on earth." Nadine advised

Lexy sat on Nadine's bed and grabbed the stuffed animal she gave her as a present. Taking a break from folding her clothes, Nadine smiled at the sight of her girlfriend being all soft and squishy

"I heard Blair is going to need a neck brace." Lexy cackled

"She shouldn't have talked shit about my mother. I bet she'll watch what comes out of her mouth from now on." Nadine seethed

"Well, I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself." Lexy smiled

"Listen, I don't know what's going to happen, but whatever happens, just know that this has been the best year of my life. Meeting you, Jake, and Devon changed my life." Nadine sat beside her

"Contrary to belief, I actually couldn't stand you at first." Lexy says

Nadine let out a gasp, placing her hand over her heart for dramatic effect. Lexy rolled her eyes, turning her head to the side to hide her smile

"You couldn't stand me?! I'm literally the nicest person in this shithole." Nadine's voice quivered

"No, it's not like I hated you or anything! I meant when I met you for the first time. You seemed...." Lexy trailed off

"Different?" Nadine finished her sentence

"Yeah, exactly!" Lexy clapped

"I was a deeply mistrusting person. Considering you're the daughter of a mayor, I had to make sure you weren't a bloodsucking leech like your mother." Nadine rambled

"I would argue with you about that, but you're right. She used to suck the life right out of us." Lexy sighs

"Do you want to share some Oreos? You know, for old times sake." Nadine nudged her

"Yeah, sure. I'd love to." Lexy smiled 

While the girls were spending as much time together as they possibly could, Danny was in his room dancing along to Ariana Grande's song, positions. He was so into the song, he didn't realize Ryder was standing in the doorway. Unable to control himself, he let out a chuckle, startling Danny into dropping his hairbrush

"Nice moves." Ryder laughed

"I could've sworn I closed the door." Danny's cheeks flushed

"Why does everyone make a big deal out of pop stars?" Ryder frowned

"Excuse me? Ariana grande just so happens to be my idol. Put some respect on her name." Danny sassed

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry. To be fair, I don't exactly dislike her music. She has some good hits." Ryder put his hands up in surrender

"Come here. Dance with me!" Danny held out his hand

"Absolutely not." Ryder shook his head

"Don't be a baby. Come on!" Danny pushed

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