High School Sweethearts

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The next morning, Lexy was awoken with a start. Someone had disturbed her dreams, making her irritable. In her dream, she pictured herself having a picnic with Nadine in the park, watching the children play while sharing chocolate-covered strawberries. Bringing herself back to reality, she jumps when she sees Tori cowering over her. Her uniform was already on, and her hair was pulled into a high ponytail

"You have dreams about Nadine? That's so cute!" Tori squealed

"What are you talking about?" Lexy asks, slurring her words before falling back into the bed

"You talk in your sleep, Lexy." Tori informed her

"What? No, I don't!" Lexy scoffed

"Yes, you do." Tori says

"Tori, what do you want? It's early in the morning, and I want to get as much sleep as possible before I go through another hellbent day." Lexy grumbled

"I just wanted to know if you were going to join us for breakfast." Tori squealed

"I'll be down in a minute." Lexy mumbled

"Okey dokey!" Tori smiled, skipping out into the hallway before closing the door on her way out

While Lexy was trying to get as much beauty sleep as possible, Devon was in his dorm room packing his bag until a knock at the door interrupted his flow. Placing his bag on his desk, he fixes his uniform before opening up the door, revealing a frightened looking Danny

"Hey, Danny. What's going on? You look pale." Devon says, moving aside to let him in

"I did something bad, like really bad." Danny says

"Okay, what happened?" Devon asks, pulling up a chair

"I told Ryder that his cousin violated me, and he's pissed. I don't want him to do something he'll regret, Devon. Ryder has a temper, especially when it comes down to me. If anyone messes with me, he goes berserk!" Danny rambled

"Danny, calm down. What do you mean, Gabe violated you?" Devon asks

Danny motioned to the place he was speaking of, and realization dawned on Devon quickly. Grabbing his hand, he sat Danny down on the bed before resuming the conversation

"Ryder is the first person I told. No one else knows, except for you. I haven't even told my parents. Hell, I haven't even told my own sister! If she knew, she would rip out his spine and beat him to death with it." Danny panicked

"Danny, that's sexual assault. Did you report it?" Devon asks

"No! I didn't want to get my ass kicked during my first week of school. A black eye during the first week is not an ideal way to make a good first impression." Danny fumbled over his words

"Who cares? Unless it was consensual, then it's deemed as sexual assault. Was it consensual?" Devon asks

"Absolutely not. Besides, half-witted jocks aren't my type." Danny answered

"Danny, this is serious. You could've been seriously hurt." Devon sighs

"I know! That's why I've been keeping my mouth shut. My identity as a transgender individual has already made me a target in this school. Imagine what would happen if I snitched on the quarterback of the football team. Bad things will happen, Devon. Bad things!" Danny yelled

A knock at the door interrupted their conversation, giving Devon a chance to process everything that was said in the last 30 seconds. He opens the door and comes face to face with his boyfriend, who walked in with a smile plastered on his face

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