Finding Light Within The Darkness

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Danny was sitting across from his parents, who were eyeing him in curiosity. Deciding to break the silence, he sparks up a conversation

"What are you doing here? You wanted nothing to do with me before. Now all of a sudden, you show up unannounced and you're ready to talk things out." Danny rolled his eyes

"Danny, just hear them out." Luna begged

"Luna, don't talk to me. You're the last person I want to talk to right now." Danny snaps

"She's your sister, show her some respect." The mother says

"Ease up a bit, Caroline. Danielle is a little bit on edge right now, let's just give her some time to process this." The man says

"We've given her enough time, Brett." Caroline whispered

"First of all, I can hear you. Second of all, this is exactly why I don't bother talking to either of you. I mean, you don't even call me by my name. My real name, not my dead name." Danny says

"Last I checked, I had two beautiful girls." Caroline argued

"Sorry to disappoint you, mother. It seems like that's all I'm good for, disappointing the family." Danny sighs

Caroline got up from the bed and leaned down to touch her child's face, her eyes filled with worry and distraught

"Sweetheart, our hearts are in the right place. We still love you." Caroline caressed his cheek

"No, you love Danielle! Sorry to inform you, but she's dead. She's gone and she's not coming back." Danny pushed her away 

"God, you're so stubborn." Caroline says

"You of all people know a thing or two about being stubborn, mom. Where do you think I learned it from?" Danny frowned

"Hey, watch your tone when you're speaking to your mother." Brett demands

"Dad, stay out of this. At this point, you're basically her pet. She speaks for you, thinks for you. You lost your right to the first amendment once you married her." Danny scoffed

"Danny, stop it." Luna growled

"Luna, my dear sister. You talk about the importance of trust and loyalty, but you're the biggest fraud of all. I gave you a chance to come clean and you lied to my face! Out of all people, I trusted you the most. Remind me to never make that mistake again." Danny's eyes darkened with rage

Caroline got up from the floor and looked at her husband, who shook his head in disapproval. Danny kept his focus on his older sister, who looked like she was on the verge of tears

"We only want what's best for you." Brett says

"You obviously didn't care back then, so why bother now?" Danny asks

"We're your family, that's why." Luna says

"Really? That's the best excuse you could come up with? You're hypocrites, all of you. If you were really my family, you would've loved and accepted me for who I truly am. Instead, you sent me to this shithole because you thought I needed to be fixed. In reality, you're the ones who need help, not me." Danny laughed

"Would it kill you to listen to us for one second?" Caroline pleaded

"I'm done talking and I'm done listening. Get out of my room!" Danny got up from his chair and opened the door

"This is highly inappropriate." Caroline huffed, grabbing her stuff before walking out the door

"Some daughter you turned out to be." Brett shoved him aside

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