You've Got A Friend In Me

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The next morning, Lexy decided to wake up early to get a headstart on breakfast. Once she finished getting dressed, she grabs her stuff and head towards the stairwell, where she saw Tori sitting on the steps. She was playing with Simon's rubix cube, quietly humming to herself while she solved the cube

"I don't understand how you have so much energy in the morning." Lexy sighs

"It's called espresso." Tori smiled

"Tori, that can make your heart explode." Lexy's eyes widened

"Really? I feel fine." Tori frowned

"Are you sure you're okay?" Lexy asks

"Lexy, I'm fine. Really, I am." Tori chuckled

"I can't help but worry." Lexy's harsh gaze softened

"I'll admit, it's been a rough year. Losing my brother took a toll on my health, but little by little, I'm growing stronger. I'm finally letting go of the guilt that's been weighing me down for an entire year." Tori sighs

"If you ever need to talk or anything, my door is always open." Lexy placed her hand on her shoulder

"Thank you, Lexy." Tori says

"What are friends for?" Lexy says

Lexy slings her bag over her shoulder and grabs Tori's hand, pulling her away from the stairwell. When Tori's gaze meets their interlocked hands, she starts to blush and Lexy notices, smirking at the sight of Tori becoming flustered

"Why are you so nice to me?" Tori asks

"You're my friend, Tori. Everyone needs a friend in their life. I know I do. I wouldn't be who I am today without Jake and Devon. They changed my life for the better." Lexy explains

"Sam would've loved you." Tori smiled

"Come on, let's go grab some breakfast." Lexy says

"I call the mini pancakes." Tori giggled

The girls grabbed their trays from the rack and moved down the line, carefully selecting their food. Tori struggled to decide between bananas and strawberries. She furrowed her brow in frustration as she tried to make a choice. Watching her grow frustrated made Lexy giggle, so she picked up a cup of strawberries and placed them on her tray, instantly turning her frown upside down

"You're allergic to bananas, Tori." Lexy giggled

"Oh, yeah!" Tori laughed along

"How are things going with Simon?" Lexy asks

"Great! He made me a bracelet. It's handwoven with his initials stitched into it. Isn't he the cutest?" Tori blushed

"Someone's got a crush." Lexy wiggled her eyebrows

"No, I don't! Shut up." Tori frowned

"Alright. Have it your way." Lexy cackled

They head to their table and begin stuffing their faces with food, making the students around them crack a smile. Suddenly, Lexy felt a tap on her shoulder and she turned around to find Chasity waving at her

"Lexy, you're glowing." Chasity gasps

"That can mean one of two reasons. She either got laid or she's using a new skin care routine." Nessa intervened

"Babe, what did we just talk about about?" Chasity whispered

"It's rude to jump to conclusions. I know, I know." Nessa sighed in defeat

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