From Strangers To Friends

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The next day, Devon was in economics class with his teacher, sister Margaret. She was busy doing role call while Devon was doodling in his notebook. He was so lost in thought, he hadn't realized she called his name

"Mr Evans, this is the third time I've called your name. Did you not hear me?" Sister Margaret says

"How could I not? Your voice is so shrill, it makes our ears bleed." Devon murmured

"You're just full of jokes today, aren't you?" Sister Margaret sighs

"Oh, I'm just getting started." Devon smiled

"Alright, moving on! Danielle McCarthy, raise your hand." Sister Margaret called out

The class turns their attention to Danny, who was slumped down in his seat while twiddling his thumbs, his ocean blue eyes widening in terror

"Sister Margaret, I go by Danny now." Danny whispers

"That's not what I says on my roster. Your mother put you down as Danielle McCarthy, so that's what I'm going to call you." Sister Margaret says

"That's my dead name. That being said, I would like to be called by my new name." Danny fidgeted

"Yeah, respect the change." Devon intervened

"She doesn't know what she is." Sister Margaret argued

"Danny is a boy, he's proud of who he is. Why can't you accept that?" Devon asks

"It's not natural, Evans." Sister Margaret says

"Neither is Botox and yet, it's all over your face." Devon snaps

Sister Margaret throws the clipboard down on the desk and looks through the lesson plans from the other day

"Devon, do you have a partner for the group project yet?" Sister Margaret asks

"Not yet." Devon answered

"Great! You'll be working with Gabe." Sister Margaret smiles

"Like hell I am." Devon frowned

"Language, Mr Evans. Besides, he doesn't have a partner, either." Sister Margaret warned

"Too bad, so sad. I'm not working with a transphobic prick!" Devon says

"Say that to my face." Gabe demands

"Don't act like you didn't hear me! Your brain can't be that under-developed." Devon sassed

"Boys, enough." Sister Margaret yells

Devon looked over at Danny, who flashed a smile his way

"Does Danny have a partner yet?" Devon asks

"Danielle doesn't have a partner for obvious reasons, Mr Evans." Sister Margaret says

"I want to be Danny's partner. The least you can do is respect his pronouns." Devon corrected her

"Fine, whatever. Go merge your desks." Sister Margaret rolled her eyes

Devon rushed over to Danny's side, giving him a high five before throwing his notebook down on the desk

"You're kinda cool, Evans." Danny smiled

"Thanks. You're not so bad yourself, McCarthy." Devon says

"I didn't mean to intrude yesterday, I hope your boyfriend's not too pissed." Danny tapped his pencil on his notebook

"That's just Jake being Jake. Don't pay him any mind." Devon says

"By the way, I wanted to thank you for sticking up for me. You know, by the lockers." Danny stuttered

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