Love conquers all

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Jazz woke up the next morning to the sounds of banging on his door. Kicking his legs around underneath the covers, he groans in annoyance before getting up from the bed to answer it. Cursing up a storm, his eyes widen once he realizes who's in front of him

"Mom told you about that potty mouth." Nessa cackled

"Oh my gosh, you're back!" Jazz exclaimed, picking her up and spinning her around

"Put me down, you orangutan!" Nessa smacked his shoulder

"I missed you too, she devil." Jazz placed her feet on the ground

"What did I miss?" Nessa asks, taking a seat on the bed

"If you knew the half of it, you would look at me like I was crazy." Jazz says

Nessa jumped once she heard whining underneath the covers. Pulling the comforter down, her frown turned into a smile once she saw Billy staring at her with a distasteful look on his face, his messy brown hair sticking up all over the place

"What the hell? You're alive?!" Billy's raspy voice croaked out

"Nice to see you too, party pooper." Nessa chuckled

"Get out!" Billy whined

"Make me." Nessa demanded

"Jazz, get your sister before I drop kick her. It's too early in the morning to deal with her crazy ass." Billy groaned

"I know you're not talking to me." Nessa gasped

"Mind your business, I was talking to your brother. Did your mother drop you on your head one too many times when you were a baby? If she did, it's certainly coming to the light now." Billy sassed

"Okay, cool it." Jazz laughed

"He started it!" Nessa tattletaled

"Snitches get stitches." Billy argued

Jazz grabs his sister's hand and pulls her out into the empty hallways. Once she saw a distressed look on his face, her heart dropped down to her feet and without a second thought, she threw his arms around him while he began crying

"What happened?" Nessa coddled him

"Dad found out." Jazz sniffled

"About your sexuality? How?!" Nessa asks

"He found it in my journal. He got angry, he started choking me and kicking me. Nessa, I don't know how much longer I can put up with this. I'm so tired." Jazz says

"It's going to be okay, I'll talk to mom. She'll straighten it out." Nessa whispered

"There's something else you should know." Jazz bit his bottom lip

"Oh my gosh, did you glue sister Ruth's hands to her desk again?" Nessa groaned, wiping her brother's tears away

"First of all, you did that." Jazz smiled

"Okay, then what is it?" Nessa asks

Jazz took her hand and pulled her into an empty classroom, making sure the coast was clear before closing the door

"You have to promise me you won't freak out." Jazz begged

"Why does everyone say that? I know I have a short temper, there's no need to rub it in." Nessa crossed her arms

"Billy and I kissed." Jazz blurted out

"You what?! When was this?! Why didn't you tell me?! Why am I the last to know everything?!" Nessa shrieked

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