The New Girl In Town

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The next morning, Father Bryce had called his niece into his office. Until she arrived, he decided to straighten up a bit. While he was pouring himself a cup of tea, he turned around and locked eyes with Chasity, who looked like she hasn't slept in hours. Her hair was all over the place, and she had bags underneath her eyes. Trying his best to hold back a smile, he placed his tea on the desk before taking a seat, motioning for her to do the same. Throwing her bag down on the ground, she flops down in the chair, rolling her eyes with her arms folded across her chest

"Uncle Bryce, what do you want? Do you realize how early it is?" Chasity groaned

"Yes, I do. Would you like some tea? Maybe that'll perk you up a bit." Father Bryce offered

"I hate tea. Unless you have a coffee machine where I can have unlimited cups, then this is going to be a very short conversation." Chasity tiredly replied

"Let me guess. Your girlfriend kept you up all night?" Father Bryce chuckled

"So? Is that a problem?" Chasity asks

"I just want you to be careful, that's all. I also want you to be happy. I'm not your father, it's not my place to tell you who you can and cannot date." Father Bryce cleared his throat

"Finally. Something useful actually came out of your mouth. What did you call me down here for? I'm missing class." Chasity whined

Getting up from his chair, he buttons up his jacket before walking around the desk, and sitting in front of his niece, who was muttering curse words under her breath

"Didn't your parents tell you?" Father Bryce asks

"I haven't spoken to them in weeks. Why don't we quit beating around the bush and act like mature adults here?" Chasity chuckled

"You're just like your mother, quick to get to the point." Father Bryce laughed

"Uncle Bryce, my time is precious, as is yours. Can we move this along?" Chasity asks

"Alright, fine. Here's the deal. Your sister is coming. Something went down at her old school, so your parents have decided to transfer her to Incarnate Lord. I trust you'll be a good influence on her." Father Bryce explains

Upon hearing the news, Chasity's mood lifted and her frown was replaced with a smile. She tried to remain calm, clearing her throat and sitting back in the chair with a nonchalant attitude

"Uncle Bryce, you better not be playing with me. If you are, I am going to punch you in the gut." Chasity warned him

"You are an aggressive teenager." Father Bryce muttered

"Delilah is really coming?!" Chasity squealed

"Alright, calm down. I wouldn't want you to overexert yourself before her arrival. Now get back to class. You got a busy day ahead of you." Father Bryce demands

"Oh my gosh, I'm so excited!" Chasity squealed, giving her uncle a hug before grabbing her belongings and rushing out the door

While Chasity was trying to figure out how to pass the time until her sister arrived, Blair was in history class with sister Dorothea, mindlessly doodling in her notebook

"Ms McKinley, whatever you're drawing must be more important than the lesson I'm currently teaching." Sister Dorothea cracked a smile

"Of course not, Sister Dorothea. It won't happen again, I promise." Blair says

"Mm hm. I'm sure that's what you told Tyler at the bonfire. Then again, girls love playing hard to get." A familiar voice cackled

"Fuck you, Matthew." Blair spat

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