Stay with me

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Jazz had just finished getting dressed when the sound of screaming alerts him. Sticking his head out the door, his eyes lock onto his best friend, who was running from sister Francis. Ignoring Jazz's questions, he slithers into the room and pins his friend against the door, clasping his hand over his mouth to prevent him from speaking

"Billy young, open this door right now!" Sister Francis rattled the doorknob

"Go to hell, you old bat." Billy yelled

"You are in so much trouble, young man!" Sister Francis screamed

"Yeah, go have a talk with father Bryce about my behavior problems." Billy says

"Keep it up, you won't be getting an education at all." Sister Francis slammed her hand on the door

"Fine by me." Billy whispered

Once he saw her shadow disappear, he uncovers Jazz's mouth before showing off a silly grin

"I thought something bad happened to you." Jazz embraced him

"Hey, I told you I'd be okay." Billy assured

"What happened?" Jazz asked

"I got another week of detention, nothing major." Billy explained, undoing his tie before flopping down on the bed

"What you did was stupid and reckless." Jazz shoved him

"Aw, babe. Were you worried about me?" Billy placed his hand over his heart

"Shut up!" Jazz's cheeks turned red

Billy opened up the covers, patting on the empty side of the bed

"Come here." Billy demanded

"No, you suck." Jazz folded his arms across his chest

"Fine, I'll come to you." Billy stood up from the bed and grasped ahold of Jazz's tie, tugging him closer until their lips were centimeters apart

Suddenly, their door swung open and the two boys slightly pulled away from one another. Looking up, they lock eyes with Jake, who's face turned red at the sight in front of him

"Oh shit, I'm sorry." Jake gasped

"You have got to be kidding." Billy sighed

"I'm so sorry, I feel like I just interrupted something I shouldn't have." Jake covered his eyes

"What do you want, Jacob?" Billy groaned

"I actually forgot why I came in here. The sight of you two canoodling has ruined my train of thought." Jake leaned against the doorframe

"You got about five seconds to tell us what you want or I'm going to rip your head off your body and give it to your boyfriend as a Christmas present!" Billy threatened

"Jazz, I need to burrow your notes from sister Sarah's class. I missed a few lessons and I need to catch up. Is that okay with you?" Jake asks

"Yeah, sure. Just bring them back to me later on." Jazz handed over his notebook

"Thanks." Jake says

"You got what you came for, now leave." Billy pointed at the door

"Friends, my ass." Jake cackled, closing the door with a quickness once Billy threw his alarm clock at him

Jazz lies down in the bed, wrapping Billy's arm around his waist and holding back a smile once he snuggled up against him

"Fine, you win. I'll stay, but only for a few minutes." Jazz caved

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