Mine, all mine

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The next morning, Nessa woke up to her alarm clock blaring at 7:30 AM. Pulling the plug out, she whines before pulling the covers back over her head. A few minutes pass by and her door swings open, revealing Tori. She jumped on the bed to grab a pillow before wacking her in the face with it

"Nessa, get up! We're going to be late for class, the bell is going to ring soon!" Tori shouted, repeatedly hitting her with the pillow until her anger got the best of her

"Goldilocks, get out." Nessa demands

"Come on, everyone's already downstairs eating breakfast. You turn into Oscar the grouch when you don't eat, so I made you a plate. Come on, Nessa! Please get up." Tori pleaded

"Have you ever noticed how annoying your voice is?" Nessa angrily glared her way

"Yeah, my parents used to call me their alarm clock." Tori giggled

"Trust me, that's not a compliment. It just means you have a big mouth." Nessa groaned

"Yeah, I tend to take that as a compliment." Tori bounced up and down on the bed

"You seem cheerful, it's freaking me out." Nessa's eyes widened

"Come on, Chasity's waiting for you." Tori smirked, knowing that'll get her up and running

"I'll be down in 10." Nessa shoved her out the room

Once Tori turned the corner to the stairwell, she saw Jazz and Billy waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. They cut their game of rock paper scissors short and walked up the stairs to grab her

"How'd it go? Did she explode?" Jazz asked her

"No, I told her Chasity was waiting for her. If you saw how fast she got up, you would've laughed." Tori smirked, twirling strands of her blonde hair in mischief

"Chasity's in a meeting with her uncle though." Billy's eyebrows furrowed

"She lied to her." Jazz explained, watching a look of realization cross his best friend's face 

"You little blonde demon!" Billy exclaimed

"Carry my bag, will you?" Tori asked Billy, who stared her down

"I'm not your bellboy, Tori." Billy scoffed

"Pretty please?" Tori asked, showing off her puppy dog eyes before placing her hand on his chest

"On second thought, you don't need all that weight on your back." Billy's face reddened

"Thank you, Billy." Tori kissed his cheek before heading into the cafeteria

"Yeah, thank you Billy." Jazz mimicked, batting his eyelashes

"Oh my gosh, shut up!" Billy shoved him

Meanwhile, everyone was eating their choice of breakfast when Nessa approached the table, chowing down on the pancakes Tori had placed out

"They got cold, so I had the cafeteria ladies warm them up. I hope that's okay." Tori nudged her

"Where's Chasity?" Nessa muffled

"She's here, but she's not here." Tori twirled her thumbs

"What are you saying?" Nessa asked

"Put two and two together, Vanessa. I lied to get you down here so you wouldn't show up late to class. Besides, Chasity's in a meeting with her uncle, but it's going to wrap up soon." Tori rambled

"You lied to me." Nessa dropped her fork on her plate

"I feel like those last two braincells of yours aren't working correctly. Should I speak slower?" Tori says

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