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Jeon JungkookDeep brown eyes 6'227 yearsCold,cruel, merciless

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Jeon Jungkook
Deep brown eyes
27 years
Cold,cruel, merciless

Jeon JungkookDeep brown eyes 6'227 yearsCold,cruel, merciless

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This is just a reference picture. Create an image according to your will ;)

Katherine Park
Crystal gray eyes
19 years
Loving, caring,honest, forgiving

Katherine Park Crystal gray eyes5'519 yearsLoving, caring,honest, forgiving

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Kim Taehyung
20 years old
Kind, goofy, possessive

Park Jimin 5'1028 years old Calm, collected, understanding

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Park Jimin
28 years old
Calm, collected, understanding

Hey guys it's Theia. Hope y'all enjoy this ff cause it took a lot of imagination and effort 😁. Please don't forget to Vote.


- As for the characters in this story, I know I used the names of BTS, but honestly, you can take any form or name for the characters in this story, you don't have to imagine the boys their real faces in this story. This is a FAN FICTION, meaning that this story is in no way related or affiliated with the people who have the names in real life. Please know you can imagine any face or form for the characters, whatever is to your liking. Do not hate on the people in real life, these characters are used fictitiously, so do not hate on the people in real life with these names.

- This story will NOT contain trigger warnings so please if you don't feel comfortable reading the story further, click it away. Don't read further.

- I'm an amateur writer, meaning I am not that experienced in writing stories and have still a lot to learn about writing skills. People mentioned in the story that it's not accurate in some chapters. I'm aware of that, sometimes I did that on purpose because I didn't want to make it too realistic, note that this is still a FAN FICTION, it's NOT based on TRUE EVENTS. If you don't like this story, don't continue to read it further, you can click the story away it's that easy. Don't come at me saying hateful things because the story is not to your liking. I have warned you that it's a dark story and will contain disturbing topics. Tips and advice are always welcome but in a respectful way. I'm also just a human being. This is story is fiction meant for entertainment purposes (even though it's about a disturbing topic, the story has a happy ending).

- If you don't feel comfortable reading about any of these topics please DON'T CONTINUE to read this story further. I really want to emphasize that this story will contain disturbing topics and if it's too much for you DON'T READ IT. Please, I had the age for this story first at 18+ but I heightened it to 21+ because I was getting too many comments about how disturbing this story was and it is, I know it is but please I have put many warnings out here, remember this is not based on true events it's fan fiction. Don't read any further if you don't feel comfortable reading about these topics. If you're a minor DON'T READ IT. To anyone who will read this story it's at your own risk.

- The characters who will be kidnapped in this story will be aged from 16 to 25, not younger than that.

- I got a lot of questions why this story is not a y/n story. That's because I don't feel comfortable about that, I found it weird to imagine yourself in a situation as in this story so I have already chosen the character names. Anyways imagine whatever you like, but I will leave the character names as it is.

- This was my first time writing a story like this so bear with me, some may say that I'm overexaggerating, I have come across darker stories like this one but still I want everyone to be aware that this story will contain disturbing topics. Read at your own risk.

- Any parts that might look identical to others stories is coincidental. This is an original story, made it up myself, don't even try to copy I WILL FIND YOU.

- Last but not least, my main language is not English so I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes etc. feel free to share suggestions or tips whatsoever. But please don't hate, we writers write these stories for free and wanting nothing in return. We are also human beings and we do read comments and see everything. Be respectful please.

I hope you will enjoy the story and thank you for reading!

There will be a lot of smut in this book. So hold your horses cause I'll write the story a lil first then get into the smut. Please don't read the mature parts if you easily get triggered by non-consensual stuff. Anyway take care guys. Till then PEACE!

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