Disdain 🥀

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Stronger than lover's love is lover's hate.
Incurable, in each, the wounds they make.

I heard the chattering of someone and that woke me up from my slumber

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I heard the chattering of someone and that woke me up from my slumber. I rubbed my eyes trying to figure out the scene in front of me. My heart jumped out of its place when I saw Jungkook staring at me. My head hurts like hell. I looked around trying to remember what happened. "Finally you're up.." his husky voice echoed. It felt like I've been ran over by a car. Every memory that was a blur became crystal clear.

I clenched my teeth. My eyes watered involuntarily. He walked towards me and held my cheeks. I turned my face away from him and that seem to offend him. "Fucking look at me!" He yelled. But I still didn't. I can't and won't. I hate him to the core. "You won't look at me?..." he breathed. "You remember the warning I gave you last time?" He questioned. The words he said echoed in my head. I'll forgive you but if you go beyond this, you'll be my slut and trust me.. you'll never want to be one. His warm breath hit my trembling lips.

Mature content ahead

"You'll be nothing but a slut that I'll use day and night for my pleasure." Before I could react he ripped my dress. More tears made its way out of my eyes. "Jungkook....do you think you have the right to torture me after killing my dad ?!" I cried. He did not answer my question. His expression changed for a brief moment but before I could read it, he hid it.

He silently cuffed my hands with his belt and pinned them over my head. "From now on...there's going to be the only thing that you'll know-Pain." A sadistic smile took over his lips. He took off his boxers and grabbed one of my thighs, raising my leg over his shoulder, and positioned himself at my entrance. I hated being weak in front of him but the pain he will give me has no bounds. "Please stop..." I sobbed and begged, hoping he'd stop; Change his mind. But he broke this hope of mine too.

He forced his way inside of me with one swift thrust. I screamed out loud, unable to ignore the pain that slashed through; Every cell of my body froze and it felt like he'd ripped me into two with his length. I'd never been with a man while being away from him. His size and the force he used to penetrate me were too much. More tears slid down my face, making a mess. I felt torn down there. A satisfactory growl left his mouth and he pulled himself out before he hammered his way inside once again but with double pressure.

My body jerked in pain and I screamed once again. "Ah!" and then he began moving in and out. Giving me no time to adjust to his size or the pain. His animalistic pace made the bed shake and squeal underneath us. My body was vigorously trembling, I couldn't even move my hands because Jungkook had tied them so hard.

He used his free hand to grope my breast and pinch my nipple. The stinging pain erupting on the skin hit straight to my core. The humiliation, sorrow, helplessness-All the emotions made me ever more miserable. I couldn't take it. It was hurting so bad. "Stop it, please." I cried out. "I am far from stopping, Katherine. Brace the pain, 'cause it's what you are going to face every day." He slammed his cock deep within me, hitting spots that made me see stars behind my eyelids. "I beg you, Jungkook. I can't take this anymore!"

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