Loss 🥀

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What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters
compared to what lies within us.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us

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Why does she keep going away from me...? I just found her and wanted to give her all my love. But she hates me. I can't bear it. I couldn't save her once . But I can't let that happen again.....


As I kept getting closer and closer to my room. I couldn't get her scent at all. Maybe she's in her room... but I decided to look in my room anyway. I entered my room but it just seemed dead. My breath became heavy as I rushed to her room. The scent of blood...her blood. I kicked the door open but the scene in front of me shook my whole body.

Vivian..my Vivian lying on the ground with a dagger through her stomach. She was lying in the puddle of her own blood. I ran to her and held her head, resting her head on my lap and I tapped her face lightly "Vivian...Vivian! Please wake up!" I pleaded. But her eyes were only half open. I slowly shook her body causing her to groan.

"Vivian!" I raised my voice even tho I didn't want to. I slowly tried picking her up to take her to the physician. But she stopped me from doing so. I didn't give any ear to her struggles because I could still save her.....right? I couldn't use my blood to heal her because for a Royal to acquire that power they need to complete a hundred years of life. I picked her up without touching her wound and laid her on the bed. I turned to go and call the physician. But her bloody hand gripped my hand lightly.

I intertwined my fingers with her and kneeled down. "Vivian please stay, I'll call the physician now." I pleaded. She clutched my palm with the strength she had left. My eyes watered seeing her struggle. A tear rolled down my cheeks and fell on her hand. For the first time in ages, I cried. Really hard. "K-kook I-" She tried talking but the pain she felt didn't allow her to complete whatever she wanted to.

I looked into her eyes, trying to appear strong for her. I touched the blood oozing out of her stomach. Snake poison. It was smeared on the dagger. More and more tears were being shed from my eyes as I slowly accepted that I couldn't help her. "I a-am sorry f-for....not k-keeping the p-promise." She said while looking deep into my eyes with her teary ones.

The promise she made, flashed through my mind. "I'll never leave you, Jungkook and give you love all my life." She lied. I can't live without her. "Vivian please don't leave me....please..." I begged her, hiccuping. "H-He did i-it..." she slowly and painfully remarked. "Who!?" I asked her. "J-J....J-" She let out a loud groan. All her movements halted. "Vivian....Vivian!" I tapped her cheeks but her eyes were still open. "No no no.....VIVIAN NO!" I cried and clutched my hair.

I kneeled down on the floor. This can't be happening...she wouldn't leave like this..no she can't. I begged mother to help but she gave a deaf ear to my pleadings. She always hated Vivian, thinking that she was after my Royal status. I started hating on my mother. My own blood, my brother killed her. He killed her for the crown. How could he do this to her..to me? I fucking loathed them. He thought he could get the crown because he killed Vivian. He got it wrong. I'll be the King and Vivian will be my Queen. No matter whatever happens.

Flashback end

My thoughts were interrupted by Junghwan. I turned back to the window of her room, not giving a shit about his existence. "What happened brother? Where is my sis-in-law ?" He mocked. The veins in my forehead popped up. "Junghwan....get out before I tear your limps off..." I warned him, slowly getting the words out. But he still went on "Looks like you were not enough for her needs that she had to run away with a hunter. Maybe I should've fucked her so that she was never left lacking."

I lunged towards him, gripped his shirt and threw his whole body against the wall. He groaned as he crashed on the ground. I lifted him up by his collar on his legs. My fist harshly made contact with his nose, breaking it as he started bleeding. After being done with punching him multiple times. I gave his bloody face a look.

I banged his head on the wall, splashing his blood all over the wall. I gripped his left hand and twisted it, as his bone got crushed. I still wasn't satisfied. I slammed his body on the floor as he let out a loud groan. I crushed his left leg, stepping on it as he cried out in pain. I stumbled away from him. My heavy breath was audible.

"I know you helped her get away....Why the fuck are you doing this? You-...You are my brother....It is not my fault that Valerie is a fucking slut even if you loved her. You get the fuck out of my face!" I yelled. He laid there, motionless. I know it's not enough to kill him. I want to kill him but my heart doesn't allow me to.

He is my brother, I once loved and cared about...but I still can't completely hate him. Katherine...I won't forgive you for this. I will find you and remind you. Even if it takes an eternity to make you accept that you're mine. I am done playing the soft guy. How dare you defy me ? I'll show you that you will never have an escape from me.

Kat's pov

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Kat's pov

"No stop Tae!" I tried saying while laughing uncontrollably. "Are you gonna steal my dumplings again?" He questioned still tickling me. "Ahhhh I won't." I wheezed. He sat on the couch next to me. We both looked into each other's eyes. I smiled at him genuinely. He saved me and I feel that I can finally be happy...right?

The whole place is sprayed with vervain so that no one gets our scent. That's what he sprayed on me at the palace so that Jungkook doesn't get my scent. As long as I wear this, he won't be able to find me. I am gonna go to Seoul tomorrow and meet dad. I am so excited. But I was caught off guard when I saw Taehyung leaning in. I looked down and slightly pushed him away.

"Tae... I am sorry if I gave you the wrong idea. I-..we were just caught up in the moment. My emotions were all over the place. I...I don't and I can't see you that way.." I explained, feeling guilty. He just looked at me, his eyes said that he was hurt. "I'll go set up the table." I changed the subject and walked to the dining room. I am sorry Tae....I just can't hate Jungkook even if I want to...

How was the chapter? Hope you guys enjoyed. Stay tuned!

 Stay tuned!

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