Entrails of Desire 🥀

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Are you, in front of my eyes, a dream
Reality or illusion ?

Are you, in front of my eyes, a dreamReality or illusion ?

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He leaned in to my neck, inhaling my scent. He suddenly grabbed my waist and pulled me in. He licked my neck and started biting into my skin making me moan. I started breathing heavily as it was the first time I experienced something like this. I was weak in my knees. Maybe if I distract him, I could stop this. "What's your favorite color !?" I screamed out.

I heard him chuckling as he kissed my jaw then my lips and looked at me in the eyes. "Red" He breathed out. Looks like that didn't distract him at all. He licked my neck as I let out a small moan. The room was now pitch dark barely making anything visible. I saw his eyes full of lust when a flash of lightning acted as the only source of light.

"You are making me crazy, *Mi casa." He hungrily kissed me all over my neck. I wrapped my hands around his neck. I moaned as he left hickeys everywhere. He picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. We both plopped into the bed. He unbuttoned my shirt exposing my bra. He snaked his arm behind my back going for my bra's hook. He unhooked it and threw it away making me gasp.

I was unaware of what he was thinking or going to do as I couldn't see him. I jerked when I felt his mouth on my already hard nipples. He started sucking and biting it just like a new born baby as I moaned loudly making him go faster. He switched to my other nipple kneading the swollen one hardly. He pushed his face into my cleavage, pressing my boobs together. I unbuttoned his shirt revealing his sculpted body. He again hovered over me impatiently. He did the same to my boobs again. "You are so fucking perfect." he spoke still gazing into my boobs.

He started shifting down and placed open mouth kisses all the way. He kissed my belly button and bit it as I let out an ecstatic moan. He gripped on my skirt and tore it off, making me shocked. He slid down my panty as I felt blood rushing to my cheeks. I couldn't see where he was as I glanced over with the support of my elbow. As the lightning flashed, I saw him between my legs. Before I could react he licked my clit and started sucking it.

I moaned loudly and I felt him plunging his tongue deeper and deeper making my legs tremble

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I moaned loudly and I felt him plunging his tongue deeper and deeper making my legs tremble. I clutched onto the bedsheet trying to contain my excitement. His tongue feels so good. I didn't know what was happening to me but I felt as if I was gonna explode if he didn't stop. I clutched on to his silky smooth hair desperately as he showed no signs of stopping. My breath became uneven. "Cum for me,princess." He cooed. I screamed loudly as I cummed on his face.

He licked my pussy clean detaching his tongue from there as I felt empty. But suddenly his mouth was replaced by his long, slender finger that went deep inside me smoothly as I was dripping wet. He kept adding digits while I was a moaning mess. He curled his fingers inside me with a smirk plastered on lips. I was sweating badly because of this euphoric feeling I was going through. He stood up on the bed making me frustrated. "Sit up." He ordered as I followed it like his pet. I somehow sat up with my trembling legs.

He caressed my hair as I looked up at him. His pants were still on as his bulge was visible. "Remove it." He ordered as I started unbuckling his belt and removed his pants and looked up at him when it was the turn to remove his boxers. "This one too, princess." I slowly pulled down his boxers as his big, hard member sprang out. He's so big that it looks like pain if he's inside me. "Suck it." He held my jaw. "I don't k-know h-how to.." I got the words out slowly "Okay, open that pretty mouth of yours." I did as he said.

He slid his rock hard crotch into my mouth. He moaned as his member entered my warm mouth. He thrusted in me as he hit the back of my throat, making me gag. He went faster, gripping onto my hair, bobbing my head matching his pace. My eyes watered as he went deeper in my throat. I felt him twitching in my mouth as he released his juices in my mouth. "Now swallow it like good girl." I did what he asked me to. I was drained after all the orgasm. "Go lay down." He breathed. My arms were wobbly and I fell on to the bed.

The rain had stopped a long while ago which I was too busy to notice. There was moonlight coming through the windows as the clouds were replaced by stars. He stood infront of me naked as I turned my head blushing. "Shy, ain't we ? It's all yours." I glanced at him. Isn't that too big ? Will it fit ? I thought as I started panicking. He hovered over me, his dick poking my entrance making me nervous. He sensed it and caressed my cheek "I am going in, princess." He said as I felt him pushing it in.

Just as his tip entered I screamed out in pain as tears started welling up in my eyes. "Fuck you're too tight." He groaned as he entered his full length. My walls clenched around him. "It's too big, I won't be able to take it ahhh" I screamed "shhh princess, it'll be all right." He gripped my hips and started moving slowly. I held onto his arm and arched my back due to the pain as tears rolled down my eyes. He moved slowly for a while as I started to feel the pain turn into pleasure.

He increased his pace making me moan out of pleasure. He started thrusting in an inhuman speed as I felt like I was melting. I had cummed twice but he was still going. I felt him getting slower and after a few deep thrusts he cummed inside me filling me up with his seeds as I let out a loud moan. He stayed inside me and kissed my shoulder then my boobs. Biting and playing with my nipples as he rubbed my clit with his other hand. I was so immersed in the pleasure he was giving me as I forgot who he was and how forbidden our relationship was.

He looked at me and squeezed my ass making me gasp, giving him a chance to put his tongue in. He kissed me hungrily and licked my neck. I looked at him but I could hardly keep my eyes open. But the scene in front of me made my blood run cold. His eyes were blood red and sharp fangs sticking out of his mouth. He ran his tongue over his fangs and held my nape. I tried pushing him, terrified. I let out a ear piercing scream as he ripped my neck open, sinking his teeth deeper. The pain was too much to bare, I closed my eyes as I felt the darkness consume me.

* Mi casa is the Spanish of 'My home'

It's my first time writing smut so I am not that confident🥲 Please don't be mad at me 😭 anywhooooo Hope you guys enjoyed. Stay tuned !

 Stay tuned !

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