Someone familiar 🥀

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We didn't realize
We were making memories,
We just knew
We were having fun.

It's past midnight when I went for sleep and I am still thinking about that stranger who is unfamiliar yet so familiar

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It's past midnight when I went for sleep and I am still thinking about that stranger who is unfamiliar yet so familiar. It's like he had something to tell me.... Ughh whatever you're never gonna see him again, I should just sleep. A cold breeze came in through the reminds me of him....why....I drifted off to sleep

A/n pov

He's been watching her sleep for hours now. He just couldn't stop staring at her. He walked to her bed and saw her sleeping like an adorable baby. He sat on the bed near her and tucked a few strands of hair that was covering her face. She was a heavy sleeper so it came as an advantage for him. She started moving suddenly. "Jung....Jung....kook where are you ? "

She kept muttering this again and again. He was confused about how she remembers his name but he couldn't stop the contentment he was feeling. The blanket covering her slid off her, exposing her milky legs. He looked away trying to control himself, not because he wanted to but just because he didn't wanna hurt her.

Kat's pov

Something made me jump out my sleep. I woke up breathing heavily looking around frantically. I saw a shadow of a man on my window pane. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the window, scared. But there is nothing there.....what is happening ? What was that strange dream about ? I definitely need some rest. I rolled around on the bed but still couldn't sleep thinking about yesterday.

I got up early in the morning and dressed up for college. I took an apple from the fridge and set off for college. I didn't see Mom or Dad in the's not like they wanna see me. Sometimes I wonder if I am really their daughter or not. I reached there pretty early and had some time to walk around the college.

I reached the college garden and saw many flowers nurtured well. There were different kinds of flowers but the Tulips there drew me towards them. I crouched down and touched them. I smiled looking at the delicate petals of the flower. Suddenly my head was hurting like crazy, it was like someone was cutting my head with an axe.

I fell down and something flashed before my eyes. It's like one of my memories.It was me.... in someone's arms holding onto a bouquet of tulips....I was wearing an old fashioned dress. I was walking through a library, looking for something but I stopped in front of a particular shelf. I looked through the books and saw a man. I couldn't make out his face because it was all cloudy. That person looks familiar.

Ahhh my head, I can't bear it

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Ahhh my head, I can't bear it...I clutched onto my head as I felt myself loosing consciousness. Soon I blacked out. I opened my eyes feeling someone touching my arm, I shot open my eyes and saw the college nurse. "jigeum gibun-i eottae ?"
(How are you feeling now? )

I don't know, I don't know what happened to me but I better lie. " gibun-i joh-ajyeossoyeo."
(I am feeling better.)

I thanked her and bowed, leaving the room in a hurry. Since my mom is Chinese and dad's Korean-American, I am fluent in English and Korean but not that good at Chinese since mom wasn't that interested in teaching me mandarin. But I only got some of the Asian features cause at the first look , people think I'm from Europe.

I speed walked through the hallway as the next class is very important. I am gonna feel Mrs.John's wrath if I am late. I took a turn in the hallway and bumped onto the person coming in the opposite direction. The file he was holding flew in the air scattering all the papers inside. I looked at the's him.

The world around me stopped when I met his inky eyes. He was looking cold, unbothered and observed me. I should be feeling uncomfortable but I somehow like his gaze on me. When I became aware of my surroundings, I apologized. "I am really sorry sir, I'll help you clean this mess up." I bit my lower lip, nervously looking at the mess I made. "Sorry again..." I bend down picking up the papers but when he touched my hand indicating me to stop, a shiver ran through my body.

I couldn't explain this feeling. "You are in a hurry to reach somewhere, you can go." he said in a calm yet cold tone. Wow....he's such a gentleman. I bowed at him and stood up, dusting off the nonexistent dirt on my skirt. I started running to my class. But I took a glance behind me only to find his gaze fixated on me. My steps halted as I felt my heart hammering against my chest. I turned back again as I found him walking away but only after gazing at me for a few seconds.

 I turned back again as I found him walking away but only after gazing at me for a few seconds

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I reached my class panting, thank god the teacher is not here. I sat on the bench that was empty. Yes I am not that extroverted, I only have one friend and she is absent today so I am gonna be sitting alone. I heard the other students say that Mrs.John has resigned and we'll be having a new teacher today. The teacher entered and everyone stood up. What !? It's the same person. "Good morning everyone, I am Jeon Jungkook and you can call me Mr.Jeon."

Holy Shit.....I am screwed.....

Damn that's unexpected. What is she gonna do now ? What does she think about the connection they felt ? Guess we'll find out, till then Peace !

 What is she gonna do now ? What does she think about the connection they felt ? Guess we'll find out, till then Peace !

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