Double trouble 🥀

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I fear no monster,
for no monsters I see.
But all this time
the monster has been me.

But all this time the monster has been me

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"Oops looks like I am caught.." I fell on the ground as he took his steps towards me. I kept crawling back hoping for an escape. He held my chin not so gently as tears trickled my eyes. "You caught me pretty fast, huh?....since you know, I can stop this stupid act of mine." He chuckled dryly. I started whimpering. If he's not Jungkook then who is he ? He started closing the distance between us as I turned my head to the side, crying. He took in my scent "You have the same scent as her......this is going to be fun."

Before he could touch me, he was thrown to the other side of the garden. He groaned and stood up, chuckling. "Hello brother." he smirked. I turned to the direction he was looking at. My eyes widened as I held my palms to my mouth to stop myself from crying out. Jungkook was standing behind me. He pulled me by my arm as I collided with his chest. I was somehow relieved that I was with him.

If this is Jungkook then who is that ? "How fucking dare you go near her, Junghwan !?" He roared as I hid my head more into his chest. "Come on brother....I was just having fun." The one whom I suppose is Junghwan chuckled. "GET OUT OF MY SIGHT BEFORE I RIP YOU INTO SHREDS !" Jungkook's deep voice beamed. Junghwan laughed, putting up his hands playfully in the air and walked away but only after giving me a wink.

Jungkook turned to me, concerned. "Are you ok? Did he hurt you anywhere??" He asked, checking me throughly. I slightly pushed him saying I am okay. I walked to the room without saying anything. Jungkook is already a his twin is also here to hurt me. What did I do to deserve this? I cried hugging my knees. I didn't know how long I was sitting there. I flinched when I heard someone knocking. I curled up into a ball not responding. "Katherine! Come have dinner, please !" I heard Esther calling out. I didn't wanna turn her down so I stood up and headed straight to the dining hall. I heard the maids rushing here and there to set everything up. I think it's the rush for the brothers. I looked in the direction they were bowing. I was struck...

Both of them looked like they were straight out of a fairytale

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Both of them looked like they were straight out of a fairytale. My mouth was hung open. I can't deny that they both were looking like a meal. I closed my mouth and sat straight. By their expression, I could tell the one wearing the white shirt is Jungkook. Junghwan had his signature smirk on his face. Jungkook sat on the luxurious chair only for him. He pulled me by my waist and settled me on his lap. I clutched on to his shirt to balance myself.

He held my chin and kissed me but stopped when he didn't feel my response. He pulled away and glared at me, warning me. He connected our lips again as I responded to the kiss. I started to feel out of breath and hit his chest. He gave me a peck and turned around. There were several people at the table. I think the important people in his kingdom. Maybe the ministers and head soldiers.

But one lady was specifically looking at me..or should I say glaring at me. I didn't even care at this point. "You can start" he ordered as everyone started eating their portion. "Katherin-i eotteohge naega dangsini anilaneun geol alanaessneunji ajigdo ihaega an dwaeyo haha" Junghwan said looking at Jungkook.
( I still don't get how Katherine found that I am not you haha)

"mullon nae anaeneun jasinui nampyeoni nuguinji algo issseubnida....geuui chuaghan beojeon-eun geunyeoleul sogiji anheul geosibo." Jungkook's mocking tone echoed through the hall. Junghwan kept quiet, surprisingly.
(Of course my wife knows who her husband ugly version of him is not going to fool her.)

Jungkook started feeding me as he was eating too. "Why are you still here ?" Jungkook asked. I just knew that question was meant for Junghwan. "Am I not allowed to stay with my brother?" He asked innocently but there was so much venom in the words he were saying. I shifted uncomfortably when he looked at me. "And I am happy to be here to witness that you finally reunited with Vivian again." I could feel Jungkook fuming with anger. But who's Vivian?

"It's 'Your highness' for you... I don't wanna hear her name from your filthy mouth again." He said through gritted teeth. "Come on Jungkook ! Don't be so mean....isn't stealing the crown from me more than enough." I could see Junghwan clenching his jaw. But he shifted his gaze to me. His eyes held so many emotions but the prominent one was hate.

Jungkook stood up and dragged me with him. "Jungkook please slow down! You're hurting me!" He stopped and looked back at me. "Stay the fuck away from him." He warned me. I looked down. "Am I clear !?" He yelled. "Y-Yes" I stuttered. "Now..." he caressed my cheeks with his knuckles. I am terrified to the core because I could see it in his eyes. He leaned in as he held my waist in a tight grip. I closed my eyes preparing myself for what's coming next...

How are y'all doing?? Hoping that everyone's doing great! Stay tuned !

How are y'all doing?? Hoping that everyone's doing great! Stay tuned !

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