Realization 🥀

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It's an instinct for my heart to want you

I woke up with a dizzy head and adjusted my eyes to the light that was coming through the windows

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I woke up with a dizzy head and adjusted my eyes to the light that was coming through the windows. I was in my room. How did I reach here? I clutched onto my throbbing head. I tried recalling what happened but when the horrible memories came rushing in, I felt myself tearing up. What does he even want from me ? I took some deep breaths to calm myself down. I touched the pendant as if it's an instinct.

It was morning when I woke up. I passed out for so long. I checked the time. "Oh my god I am getting late !" I ran to the bathroom and got ready. I am terrified to go to college, going there means I am going to be hurt by Mr.Jeon, I don't wanna miss my other classes. I started walking to college, ready to face my fate.

He is getting into my head. He's torturing me into thinking that he's my fate. But whatever he was trying to do was working. I was getting physically and emotionally drained, I am tired. But I won't give up, I won't give this monster the satisfaction of seeing me destroyed. I wrapped a scarf around my neck to cover the bite mark. It still hurts and it's still not healing.

I walked inside college and headed straight to the library. But a deep yet soothing voice stopped me "Kat !" Taehyung came running to me. "What happened to you yesterday, I searched everywhere for you ?" He asked while panting. I was caught off guard. "I-I went to my m-mother's hometown. They had an e-emergency." Shit I am so bad at lying. He nodded even though he didn't buy my excuse. I hate lying to him. He put on his cute smile, not pushing me again and suggested "Anyway let's get to class." We walked to class together.

I am so grateful to him. We were about to step inside the class but someone bumped into me causing me to I fall flat on my butt. My scarf came off my neck as I panicked and covered it quickly. "What is that mark on your neck ?" Taehyung asked glaring at the mark. What do I say to him? Think Kat ! "Which mark ? Oh that ! It's nothing really haha. Guess a bug bit me." I laughed awkwardly and ran inside the class. The class went by pretty quick but I felt someone's stare. I turned around, only to see Taehyung already looking at me.

I sat back straight not giving much thought into it. The bell rang indicating that the session is over and I rushed to the library without wasting any time. The library was empty. That's weird. Looking for the books I want, I wandered around the shelves as I felt someone pass by me. I looked in that direction but nothing. What was that ?.....I shrugged my shoulders and turned to get a seat but a palm covered my mouth as my eyes widened. The books I held onto, fell on the ground with a thud.

I felt a man's muscular body pressed against mine. I struggled to breathe as I kept hitting his hands "shhh princess..." he whispered. That was enough for me recognize him. He pinned me to the shelves as I attempted to scream. "You don't want people to know about our relationship, do you ?" He threatened. I stopped struggling and hung my head low. He caressed the mark he gave me. "My mark looks beautiful on you." he spoke proudly as he kissed it, sending a shiver through my spine. His hands went under my skirt and held my thighs tightly.

He kissed me hungrily, taking my lower lip in his mouth and nibbling on it

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He kissed me hungrily, taking my lower lip in his mouth and nibbling on it. He caressed my hips, leaving wet kisses on my jaw, neck and kept going down. I hated this but his touch was making me wet. I was ashamed of myself. But his touches were getting rough, hurting me. His one hand groped my breast tightly and I started tearing up as his other hand went lower. He opened his mouth as he ran his tongue over the tip of his sharp fangs. He started leaning in causing me to close my eyes tightly. But something made him stop.

All his movements came to a pause. I slowly peeked through my slightly open eyes. His eyes were widened and mouth partially open. He looked down at his chest as my eyes did the same. I gasped in horror. A silver knife pierced right through his heart. I saw his blood dripping down, making a puddle of blood on the floor.

His hold loosened on me as he backed away trembling. The knife was twisted, making him groan in pain. I gasped when I saw Taehyung gripping to the knife which he stabbed Mr.Jeon with. "Die you fucking vampire !" He shouted as he pulled out the knife and Mr.Jeon fell down loosing balance.

I wanted to help him. I don't know hurts me to see him like this. He touched the blood dripping from his chest and rubbed them between his thumb and index finger. "Vervain..." I saw Mr.Jeon whispering to himself. "You bastard.. don't touch her!" He shouted but it came out as a whisper. Taehyung held my hand and dragged me out of the library but I am still trying to process what happened.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked, his voice full of concern. "Y-yes..." I was finally able to get some words out. But the only question I had was 'How did he know that Mr.Jeon is a Vampire?' I was too emerged in my thoughts but asked him. "How do you know that he is a..Vampire?" He paused for a bit and looked straight in my eyes. But the cuteness I adored in his eyes was far gone. "I am a Vampire hunter...."

Will Jungkook survive the attack? What is Taehyung's motive ? Guess we'll find out

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Will Jungkook survive the attack? What is Taehyung's motive ? Guess we'll find out. Hope you guys enjoyed this part. Stay tuned!

 Stay tuned!

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