In search of an unwritten name 🥀

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At times, I am a mystery to myself

At times, I am a mystery to myself

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I reached Seoul in my private jet. My PA made all the arrangements for my stay so everything goes smoothly because if it doesn't, it's gonna cost his life. Now that, that's as clear I could really get into business. By business, I mean killing. There was something pulling me here. This place was never my home but somehow it felt familiar. I went to my mansion in Seoul and wore the clothes matching this generation. What ? Did it feel like I am an old fashioned Vampire ? If so you've got it wrong.

I went to our hideout where my people has got the betrayer

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I went to our hideout where my people has got the betrayer. I am gonna show him what happens to the one that crosses Jeon Jungkook. I walked into the abandoned building which was situated away from Seoul.

The guards opened the rusty door only after bowing at me. There I saw a body covered in blood, almost beaten to death. I smirked looking at his state shivering with fear. Looks like he's just a bitch. "Why a-am I h-here ? " He stuttered making me laugh at his state.

"Oh you know very well Mr.Kang" I said mocking him. "Where is the million dollars you stole, hmm?" I questioned. He started sweating. "See I would have left you alive if you didn't share the company details to Ravens..." my lips curved up into a smile. "But alas." I stated and shrugged my shoulders. I swung my legs back to gain some momentum and kicked his face which caused a cracking sound. I suppose that's his jaw.

Oh well. I punched his chest which caused another cracking sound. That must be his ribs. He was crying uncontrollably now. "I d-don't know what y-you are talking about." He had the guts to cross me and lie to my face. I don't condone betrayal and those who dares to take advantage of my trust will end up miserable. The last bit of my non-existent patience was completely gone now.

"Y-Your eyes t-they are r-red." He said quivering. "Tell me something I don't know....hmm something like who you gave the stolen money to." I laughed and that scared him more. I stepped on his leg and that for sure broke his bone. He screamed at top of his lungs when I broke his other leg. I tore his hands off and threw it in a corner.

I smiled seeing the blood bath I created. "Beautiful." I commented. I took a rope and creating a loop out of it. I tied it tightly around his neck, making sure his airways gets blocked. I wounded the other end of the rope onto a hook on the ceiling.

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