You don't know me 🥀

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You owe me sleep,
So much sleep

I've been thinking about my Vivian

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I've been thinking about my do I make her mine ? She doesn't seem to remember me. "Peter, I want the details about all the Katherines in this Seoul city." I ordered my PA. He looked surprised "But sir...." I shifted my gaze to him and that was enough for him to shut up and do his work. I lost her before but I won't let that happen again. Even you, yourself can't separate us, Katherine.

*Time skip *

I can't stop thinking about her. I tried completing on the paper works but my mind was set away beyond my reach. I wonder what she is doing now....My Angel. "Sir, here are the details you've asked for-" I snatched the file out of his hand and flipped the pages fast to find her. He looked at me confused. "Leave!" I shouted at him. There....I got it. Katherine Park, 19 years old, studies at Mystic Falls University hmm...impressive, works part-time at Essence boutique. Parents are Park Sung and Zhào Jing. I am coming for you, princess.

I reached the boutique, and parked my car. The staff opened the door for me as I stepped in and I caught her scent in the store. "Welcome sir, what can we help you with today ?" a female staff asked "I wanna look at a few suits" I said uninterested as my eyes scanned through the store trying to get a glimpse of her but nothing.

I can tell that the staffs are already intimidated by me...good. I walked to the aisle they lead me to. There a woman who was standing, looked too happy. She better not annoy me or I am gonna rip her throat out. I stood there and she brought some combinations. "Bring me better ones" I said clicking my tongue in annoyance.

She just giggled and tried touch to my coat indicating me to change. I grabbed her throat and choked her. My eyes turned red. "You are going to get the fuck out of my eyesight and call Katherine to come help me. " I pushed her back as she caught her breath. She was panting and ran away. It's a good thing I can compel people to do what I want by hypnotizing them with my red eyes. I waited a while and saw HER coming near me.

Kat's pov

Ughhhh why is she making me do this ? I already told her that I am not interested in taking care of the men's section. She was talking about how handsome the customer she was going to manage was but why did she seem a little scared now ?

She said that she had a family emergency and that's the only reason I am helping her. I sighed and walked to the aisle the customer was. I stopped in my path and just looked at him. It's the same guy I saw at the park.

Author's pov

Katherine was not a girl who eyed every man. But, in Jeon Jungkook, there was something that she couldn't simply resist. His dark, deep eyes strongly pull her into them, they hold a storm, an angry tornado.

Jungkook's sculpted face was vacant, a cold scowl plastered between his brows, a glum line adorning his mouth. Yet he appeared astonishingly breathtaking and she could tell that he used break the heart in his wake. Jungkook was the real embodiment of a Sex-god.

The black suit gracefully clasped around his imperial body, the fabric tightened around his triceps and taunt chest as he buttoned up his suit in a swift way. His straight hair swept back, exposing his forehead making him more alluring. He has this dark aura around him. It's somehow pulling her towards him.

Sensing the curious gaze brushing on himself, his curvy, bee-stung lips turned into a smirk. A smirk so mischievous and insanely sensual, with a little scar in his right cheekbone. However it didn't affect his grace. The clicking sound of his boots was so dominant as his personality as he walked towards her. And that made her come out of the trance.

Kat's pov

I went to him "Right this way, Mr...? " I asked nervously.. "Jeon.....Jeon Jungkook" woah his voice is really deep and that name sounds royal. I somehow pulled myself together. "Yes Mr. Jeon, what can I help you with ? " I finally got some words out.

"I would like to see the expensive suits you have here " I nodded and went looking for a suit that would match him...wait...everything would match him. I bought the one I like the most and handed it over. He paused for a while and looked at it. He went to change *sigh* that was weird. I heard the door click indicating he's out of the changing room. He came and stood in front of the door and I was struck.....

 He came and stood in front of the door and I was struck

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I came to my senses when he stared at me. His gaze was intense..."I would like to take these and the other ones you chose. " I was confused."Sure....sir." I went to the cashier with all clothes. That's like 19 suits. He must be hella rich. The other staff took the shopping bags to his car.

He walked out like a king. I went back to the boutique and the cashier called out " Kat ! The customer who just came tipped you 500 dollars!!" What the actual fuck !? That's crazy.... I should thank him if I ever see him again but I don't deserve this money. I'll have to return it.

Jungkook's pov

I hope my princess is happy. The way she behaves is exactly like Vivian. The way she bits her lips when she is nervous.....I miss you...I just wanna feel you.....I will get you soon. I hope you won't resist me because I won't be holding myself back and make you remember that You're mine, Only Mine.

 I hope you won't resist me because I won't be holding myself back and make you remember that You're mine, Only Mine

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Hope you guys enjoyed this part. Stay tuned!

 Stay tuned!

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