Covetous 🥀

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If I can't have you,
no one can.

The ceremony went pretty fast with Jungkook clinging onto me and him talking to people about the palace and stuff, which I'm definitely not interested in listening to

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The ceremony went pretty fast with Jungkook clinging onto me and him talking to people about the palace and stuff, which I'm definitely not interested in listening to. I was led straight to a room...or should I say 'our' room. I freshened up and wore a robe. I was standing by the window leaning against the window frame. The heavenly moonlight was passing through the window eliminating the darkness of the room.

The moon is so lonely and full of scars yet glowing radiantly in the darkness. I got startled when two arms wrapped around my waist and pulled my back onto a stone-hard chest. When did he get in? I felt paralyzed when his deep velvety voice whispered in my ear. "Thinking about me, princess ?" He buried his face in the crook of my neck and started inhaling my scent. "You always smell so good, Katherine."

A shiver ran through my spine when my name rolled out of his mouth. "Jungkook" I breathed and he hummed in response while giving soft kisses on my neck. "Why......Why did you marry me?" Will he get angry now? He seemed to be in a good mood earlier which was very unusual. "You were mine the moment I laid my eyes on you. Our marriage is witnessed by the Moon Goddess. Now you'll be rightfully mine after I make you mine completely tonight."

He started planting wet kisses on my neck while his hands were busily untying the knot of my robe. Within a second my robe was on the floor. I was only in my nightgown. He turned me around to face him and pulled down one side's strap from my shoulder. "Jungkook pl-" I tried to say something but my words got swallowed when he shoved his tongue inside my mouth. I was unprepared as he started kissing me hard. It was nothing like the kiss we shared earlier. However, it was very dominating and rough.

*Mature content ahead*

He pulled down another strap of the gown while kissing me which made the nightgown fall on the floor. I was only in my lacy bra and panty. I knew what was coming for me. I tried to push him with my small hands but he bit my lower lip making me wince in pain. I could taste my own blood. He pulled apart while his hands were on my back trying to unclasp my bra. "Jungkook please! Stop!" I pleaded "I can't, princess" I looked into his eyes which were burning with lust and desire.

Now my bra was off me. Out of instinct I quickly covered my breasts with my hands but he pulled them away. "Don't" he breathed, it was a warning. "You are so fucking beautiful and all mine" he growled. "Jungkook please I don't want this" Ignoring my words, he picked me up in bridal style and was moving towards the bed. I struggled in his arms even though my intuition felt that there is no escape. My strength is nothing compared to him. I could see him getting irritated at my struggles but I could not just let him do this. He tossed me on the bed. Due to the impact, I bounced on it. I tried getting up.

"Don't make me tie you up" he pulled me closer by grabbing my wrist and started licking and sucking my neck. He was biting my skin leaving hickeys all over. "Jungkook please stop I don't want it" I tried pushing him off of me "Katherine, stop struggling and submit to me. You have no other choice do you?" He chuckled darkly. Tears welled up in my eyes "I hate you" I breathed and this angered him.

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