Darkness 🥀

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I don't live in the darkness
the darkness lives in me

I don't live in the darkness the darkness lives in me

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*a lil Mature content*

My eyes started watering as I felt his hand go to my bra's hook. He unhooked it and removed it gently. Him being this gentle scared me. His eyes flickered into red as soon as he saw my exposed chest. I felt blood rushing to my cheeks as I turned my head to the side, embarrassed. He attached his tongue to my nipple, licking it as he kneaded my other breast. A moan slipped out of my mouth unknowingly. "Do you like it, princess?" He started sucking harshly and lifted my nipple up with every suck.

I arched my back due to the pain. "Please stop, I don't want this." His one hand went down as he started rubbing my clit harshly. I was a moaning mess. I gasped when I felt him gripping onto my skirt. But luck was on my side this time. Someone knocked on the door. He stood up and made me wear his coat. He went to the door and I heard the person whispering something making him angry. He started walking towards me as I started trembling. "Don't think this is over..." He said winking at me and pecked my lips, storming out. I fell down as I felt weak. Why ! Why am I not able to fight for myself.....I broke down in tears, crying at my fate. I eventually wore my clothes and went home.

I reached there in the evening only to find the house empty. I entered my bedroom and saw a note on the bed. It's from dad. "Sweetie, we have an emergency in your Mom's family. Sorry that I couldn't tell you in person. We'll be back tomorrow evening. Love ya." Looks like I am gonna be alone all night. I took a quick shower and changed into a big T-shirt and shorts. I made some instant ramen and plopped onto the couch. I turned on the TV and started switching the channels as the news channel caught my attention.

"Today's breaking news....People are going missing every day and the rate of victims are increasing day by day. Yesterday 2 people were reported missing. They were allegedly camping in the forest. The police has found the bodies of the missing ones. The body of 27 year old Nick Donovan and 24 year old Amelia Jose were retrieved from beneath the soil. They were covered in their own blood with bite marks on their necks and scratches all over their body. The skull of the victims were found in a marshy area with the letter J carved on them. Just like the previous victims, this murder is also gruesome. The bodies disemboweled and their organs scattered around. The post mortem report said that excessive blood loss caused the victims death. The police has asked the citizens not to be out of their house after 6 pm. Please do stay safe." My eyes widened as I took in all the information. He is the the one who's killing these people.....it's him.....Mr.Jeon.

It was already night so I decided go to bed early. I was exhausted after all the events that took place today. I went into my room and made my bed. I thought about it. He was able to move fast and his eyes turned red and he drinks blood. What else can he do? I will have to find a way to take him down before he kills me. That's when the electricity got cut off. I let out a scream, terrified. Dad must have forgot to pay the electricity bills; I thought trying to calm myself down. I stared into the darkness as I felt someone's presence.

I covered my mouth, stopping myself from screaming when I saw someone's shadow moving across the hall. I was trembling as I started walking to the door to close it. I took slow and steady steps to door as I caught the door and slammed it. But I couldn't close the door...it was as if something was blocking the door. I started panting and looked between the door. It was my old teddy bear stuck there. I let out a sigh and kicked it out of the way, closing the door. I turned around, only to face my worst nightmare. Just the sight of his eyes was enough for me to know it's Him. He was towering over me, his eyes glowing in the deepest shades of red.

 He was towering over me, his eyes glowing in the deepest shades of red

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He held on to my shoulders as my breath hitched. He turned me around so that my back was facing him. "Don't move" he growled as I nodded in fear. He caressed my hair and moved it to one of my shoulders. He inhaled my scent as I heard a click, something like a box opening. My heart hammered against my chest. Maybe....I thought he was going to kill me. I felt something cold on my skin, it was a chain. He securely clasped the chain around my neck.

"This is my gift for you, princess......I want you to wear it everyday, always." I moved my hand to feel the pendant. "Don't ever remove it or..." He threatened me as I felt the chain burning my skin as if it was heating up. "Ah ! Please ! I won't.." I cried out. "Good girl...now where is my kiss ?" He asked as he snaked his arm around my waist and made me face him.

God damn. Howdyyyy. Hope you guys enjoyed this part. Stay tuned!

 Stay tuned!

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