United 🥀

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From all the memories stored in my heart,
I gather up the ones of you and link them together

From all the memories stored in my heart, I gather up the ones of you and link them together

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She stood half naked in front of me....She's probably forcing herself to do this. I picked up her dress off the floor and put it against her shoulder gently. "You don't have to do this Vivian." I gave her a small smile reassuring her. But in a swift motion she held my nape and kissed me. She kept on kissing me while she guided my arms to her hips.

I couldn't hold back anymore. My eyes turned red because I was aroused. I gripped her hips and pulled her closer. I entered my tongue in her mouth as she gladly let me in. Our tongues rolled together with its own rhythm. I could feel she was trying her best to keep up with my pace but she was out of breath. I took a pause and reluctantly separated my lips from her. I connected my lips to her exposed neck as she gasped. I love how sensitive she is to my touch.

*Mature content *

I ran my hand over her soft, milky skin all the way down till I reached her ass. I squeezed her round ass earning a soft moan from her. I licked her neck and sucked on it. I could feel my fangs growing out. She'll get frightened if she saw me like this. I stood up to switch off the light but was stopped by her. "No Jungkook, I want to know the real you..." she caressed my cheeks looking into my eyes lovingly.

She ran her finger on my fangs and made face of amusement. She pecked me on the forehead "I love you Jungkook...all of you" she added and unbuttoned my shirt. I kissed her cleavage while removing my shirt. Laying her gently on the bed, I kissed down her cleavage. I unhooked her bra and pulled it aside. I tried my best to not let my beast take over because it's her first time, I don't want her to be hurt.

As soon as her bra came off her nipples got hard. I licked her nipple and started sucking on her boob while squeezing the other. She moaned with satisfaction making me smirk. I bit her nipple and pulled it, teasing her. I sucked on her boob like a newborn until I was satisfied. I looked at her now pink boobs, glistening with my saliva and then at her, she was sweating badly. Her mouth have open, her slow shaky breath due to the pleasure she's experiencing. Hmm beautiful. I pulled her panty off. She clutched her legs together. "Don't" I whispered in her ear as my hand traveled to her clit.

I rubber her bud while sucking her neck

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I rubber her bud while sucking her neck. Putting my finger in, her walls resisted me. I plunged my finger in and she let out a loud moan. After a while she cummed on my fingers with a scream and fell back on the bed. Her chest went up and down as her face turned red and her hair was sticking to her forehead. A sight I wish to see forever.

I licked her juices off my finger. So fucking sweet. I undid my pants and pulled down my boxers along with it. Panic made its way to her face as she glanced at my huge size. I hovered over and positioned myself against her. Just as I slid the tip in, she cried in pain. But stopping now won't help. I pushed my whole length in her tiny hole. Her walls clenched around me. "Ahh! Jungkook it hurts ! It hurts so much!" She cried out while scratching my back.

"Shh it's ok, just focus on my voice" she did what I asked as her teary eyes met mine. I felt her relaxing a bit. "Can I?" I asked with tone laced with concern. She closed her eyes and nodded. I started moving in her slowly as she whimpered in pain. "Fuck you're so tight" I hissed moving in and out of her. After a while I felt her muscles relax, I picked up my pace as she moaned in pleasure.

I fucked her fast as my self control was long gone. I kissed her boobs and bit onto them while pushing myself deeper. My thrusts got sloppy and with a jerk I cummed inside her, filling her up with my hot seeds. She let out a whimper when I pulled out of her. I would've gone for many more rounds but she needs rest. "How are you feeling?" I asked hugging her naked body. "G-Great..I-it was g-great" she whispered, leaning on my shoulder.

"Kook, is it ok to not use a c-condom?" She asked looking down, wondering if she's gonna offend me or not. "It's ok because Vampires can't i-impregnate humans" I stuttered. She loved children so much. Maybe she'll leave me because I can't give her a child. I looked away but she caressed my neck in a soothing way.

"I love you and that wouldn't change because of this" she spoke. My eyes widened as I looked at her face which held a smile which was the most beautiful one I've seen and will always be the one. That's the moment I knew I was never going to let her go even if I have to bring hell on this earth. She's my angel. She's mine. Only mine.

*Time skip*

She was making ramyeon for us in the morning. " You're coming to the palace with me." I stated. She looked at me confused. "Palace?.." she doubted. "Yes, I am a Royal... it's not safe for you to be here because I have many enemies. I don't want them to even lay a finger on you" she looked surprised. "A royal ? But you live in a cozy house and wear simple clothes...that's not how I perceived royals were.." she laughed awkwardly. "I became simple for you...I'll be the perfect one for you" I chuckled.

"No Kook, I don't want you change...not for me, not for anyone. I love you for who you are, not someone who's perfect. In fact there's no one that's perfect. We all are unique in our own way. You say you're not perfect..but I'll love you nevertheless." She smiled. "I love you.." I muttered. "Yes I'll come with you, it's not like I have parents or anything" she remarked sarcastically but I could see the pain she hid from me, from everyone. That's how she is, she cares about everyone but ignores herself. "You have me. You always will." She nodded making me happy. I smiled at her and kissed her forehead..

Flashback end

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