The diary 🥀

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There are no heroes in real life,
the monster always win

He kept thrusting into me violently not giving a damn about what I am going through

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He kept thrusting into me violently not giving a damn about what I am going through. I was just laying there, looking out of the window as he was using by body for his pleasure. He pulls out, whispering "I love you" and gave me a peck. I scoffed....but the memories with my dad filled my head. I just wanna hug him now. I am tired. I am tired of being his toy. I just have to wait for a chance to leave this palace. I drifted into sleep thinking about the only hope I have now.

Time skip

I woke with pain in my entire body. I crawled to the bathroom. I took a quick bath and headed downstairs when I didn't see Jungkook. I walked to the kitchen and I hugged Esther from the back, which seemed to scare the hell out of her. I laughed looking at her state. "You naughty kid" she said pinching my nose. She made me taste, many of the delicious stuff in the kitchen." Where is Jungkook ?" I asked her because I don't see him in the morning often.

"His highness has to fulfill his palace duties" she stated. "Esther, why do Jungkook and Junghwan seem so distant?" I asked out of curiosity. Her face turned into a sad one. "I am not really supposed to talk about them in the palace...but you deserve to know this." She took a long pause and went to get something. She was back with something that looks like an album. She opened it and showed me the pictures in the almost torn off old, dusty album. My eyes was stuck on one photo. They look young there.

"King Jungkook and his brother were really close in childhood

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"King Jungkook and his brother were really close in childhood.....but their mother was the reason they turned against each other." She looked sad. "Their mother ?" Esther pointed at a picture. I looked carefully, only to recognize the woman who was glaring at me in the dining hall. "She always compared the both of them and always praised King Jungkook over prince Junghwan. The Queen said that King Jungkook was the only one fit for the crown and his brother is good for nothing even though he was the older one. This hurt the prince really badly that I would often find him in the garden, crying."

My heart clenched. I knew exactly how he felt. He must have been so lost. "But that doesn't mean king Jungkook is a bad person. He always loved his brother with his whole heart. But king Jungkook never thought that his brother was inferior to him. He loved his brother dearly. The prince tried to kill King Jungkook a few times but the king always forgave him. But the prince did the unforgivable" she stopped. "What did he do??" I asked impatiently. "He..He killed Vivian-" she was cut off. "What are you doing here in the kitchen?" Jungkook asked coming out of the blue.

Shit I didn't get to know who this Vivian is..I was frozen. What if he heard me nosing around about him. "Nothing your highness" Esther said bowing down. "Are you sure it's nothing ?" Jungkook raised his eyebrow at me. "Y-yeah I was just asking her about the recipe of Bibimbap" his eyes trailed down to the jar of Nutella I was holding onto like my life depended on it. He told me to follow as I did what he wanted till our room. He locked the door behind. My heart started hammering against my chest. He leaned in and licked off the chocolate spread from the corner of my lips as my breath hitched.

"You like this ?" He asked pointing at the jar. I nodded slowly. He held my nape and pulled me into a deep kiss. "Open your mouth" he ordered. His tongue slid in and our tongues were moving with its own rhythm. He took my tongue into his mouth as he sucked on it. I moaned softly as he smirked on my lips. He gave a squeeze to my breast as my knees became weak. His hand kneading my breast impatiently, pinching my nipples. He led us to the bed.

He hovered over me still kissing me. He started giving kisses on my neck and went moving down till he reached my clothed chest. He ripped my dress off and that brought me to reality. I clutched onto his hands before he could touch me down there. "Please Jungkook....not today please" I looked at him with pleading eyes. And that seemed to work on him. He stood up and stormed out of the room. I tried to steady my breath as I looked over to see a bunch of old books there.

My curiosity got the best of me

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My curiosity got the best of me. I looked through them. But one book with a knot on it, caught my eyes. The pages were so old that it's almost torn off. It looked like someone's diary. Whose could it be ? I opened the book as the dust in the book caused me to cough. I looked carefully at the name written in old cursive.....It was Vivian's diary. So this is the person I keep hearing about. I looked at the handwriting...Why does this seem familiar? I flipped through the pages as a paper fell out of it. It was an old picture of Jungkook and....ME?!?

Howdy !! Hope you guys enjoyed this part. Stay tuned !

 Stay tuned !

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