Worse 🥀

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Damaged people are dangerous ,
They know how to make hell feel like home

Damaged people are dangerous ,They know how to make hell feel like home

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"You dare to fucking cheat on me !?" He shouted at me. He pulled me up and threw me on his shoulder. "J-Jungkook what h-happened ?" I whispered, scared. He ignored me and that scared me more. He took us to our room in a flash and slammed the door shut. He pushed me on the floor harshly.

His eyes turned blood red. "Jungkook I am s-sorry.." I started apologizing even though I don't know what I did. But I was too terrified to take risk. "You know what you did, right ?" He asked as I replied him with silence. "You don't know?" He questioned calmly. I was sure it was the calm before the storm. My eyes started watering. I shook my head slowly. "YOU DON'T KNOW ??" he raised his voice as I started whimpering, crawling back.

He was looking deadly with his veins popping out from his forehead and neck. His fangs sticking out and crimson red eyes glaring into mine. "I d-don't know, please l-let me go.." I begged. He chuckled dryly. "Let you go.....LET YOU GO ?!" he gripped my face harshly. "You have the guts to fuck around with my brother !?!" He slapped me across the face. My head turned to the left because of the force he used. The stinging pain lingered. "I d-didn't, he...." I cried and made words out with difficulty. He brought his index finger to his lips indicating me to be quiet.

 He brought his index finger to his lips indicating me to be quiet

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*Mature content ahead*

"Looks like you need to be taught a lesson." He had a sick smirk spread across his lips. He sat on the couch, manspreading. "Strip." He ordered. My eyes widened. "STRIP!" He raised his voice. My hand slowly went to my dress strap, lowering it down. I stripped half naked as he stood up and took big steps towards me. I started backing up; my head hanging low.

I heard him unbuckling his belt. "Please....p-please d-don't.." I pleaded but he was too blinded by anger. The first hit landed on my back. I let out a lung tearing cry "Ahh !" He laughed at my state. "This is for hurting me." He whipped me with the belt again and again till I lost count. Finally which felt like an eternity after, he stopped. He crouched down and stared into my gray eyes which were overflowing with tears.

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